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可持续发展的高级应用战略 Advanced Applied Strategy for Sustainability 本单元的目的是让学生在这样的时代背景下确定时尚战略的位置,并通过采用创建和执行成功战略的综合和整体观点来推进当前的工具和技术。 本单元将挑战学生扩大对时尚市场分析、战略和方案的知识深度。它将提高学生在面对挑战和不确定性时做出商业决策的...
3DArtefact10 DesignforPerformance11 Styling,PhotographyandMake-Up12 StudentJourneys14 DrawingforFashion18 Information,AdviceandGuidanceDay20 PortfolioAdviceDay21 InterviewDay22 CAPS224 WordsandPictures25 FashionIndustrious27 InterviewPreparationWorkshop28
and Global Cultures 课程设置 #3 第一单元 全球时尚营销的文化背景 Cultural Contexts for Global Fashion Marketing 本单元将使学生深入了解时尚和营销的独特实践,同时引入与全球文化相关的考虑,如经济、语言和气候。 本单元将向学生介绍时尚的双重重点,即作为一种创意和商业实践,建立在服装和营销的理论和原则之上。
You can add up to 6 items per a category to the compare list. Compare High-Speed Steel Hand Tap【10 Pieces Per Package】 MISUMI [Features]·General-purpose uncoated type high-speed steel hand tap·High versatility, suitable for a variety of applications and work materials such as alumin...
● MA Illustration and Visual Media 申请截止日由3月15日提前至2021年2月12日(大年初一) LCF 伦敦时装学院 ●International Preparation for Fashion 申请截止日由3月15日提前至2021年2月19日(大年初八) 有意申请以上课程的同学们需要快马加鞭递交完整申请材料啦。deadline过后,课程申请随时可能关闭,一旦关闭将不...
9 6 Relocating Code and Data in External MRAM 13 For detailed information on the ColdFire Architectures Compiler and Linker Command File (LCF) refer to the CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers V10.x ColdFire Architectures Build Tools Reference Manual. You can find this document in ...
libb2 libb64 libbase58 libbatch libbbs libbdplus libbeanstalkclient libbfio libbig_int libbios libbitmask libblkmaker libbpm libbrahe libbrowserid libbsb libbson libbubblemon libburn libcacard libcachebusting libcaes libcaldav libcapn libcarvpath libcas libcassandra libccc libccd ...
ONDA by Marco Bodi - BA (Hons) Visual Merchandising and Branding 2022 “我的毕业设计是一家概念化的时尚商店,让顾客有沉浸式的购物体验。这个项目名叫‘Onda’,是意大利语‘波浪’的意思,形容海浪柔软而细腻的律动,营造出独特的富有感官吸引力的氛围...