*///lcd_clear_line( 3 );lcd_gotoxy(16,3);lcd_puts(" "); lcd_gotoxy(0,3);lcd_puts("EEprom:"); lcd_putc( ui_marker_unsaved ?'*':'.');lcd_puts(" 1WErr:"); lcd_puti( ow_error_cnt %100);// Take 2 digits//lcd_puts(" ");lcd_gotoxy(0,0);lcd_puts("IO Status ");...
SAMSUNG PUTS LCD SCREENS ON THE FRONT OF NEW CAMERAS.The article evaluates the point-and-shoot cameras TL225 and TL220 from Samsung Group.MoynihanTimMacworld
TCL Technology Group’s panel-making subsidiary, TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology, put its new production line for high-end liquid crystal displays into operation in Guangzhou on September 29, reported Yicai Global. The start of the Generation-8.6 LCD production line, which has cost RMB35...
aRazer’s award-winning, proprietary Switchblade User Interface puts more control in your hands with ten dynamic adaptive tactile keys and an LCD panel. Bind an unlimited number of commands, macros, skills, spells, and any other control you need to ten tactile keys that dynamically change to ...
TCL Technology Group’s panel-making subsidiary, TCL China Star Optoelectronics Technology, put its new production line for high-end liquid crystal displays into operation in Guangzhou on September 29, reported Yicai Global. The start of the Generation-8.6 LCD production line, which has cost RMB35...
lcd_puts_P (1*FW,4*FH, PSTR(" Distance "));lcd_putsAtt(2*FW,5*FH, VALSTR(1), APSIZE); } 开发者ID:RasmusKS,项目名称:er9x,代码行数:25,代码来源:ardupilot.cpp 示例4: menuProcArduPilot8 ▲点赞 2▼ voidmenuProcArduPilot8(uint8_tevent){switch(event) ...
AU Optronics puts off LCD plant expansionPanel makers responding to supply glutBUSINESS ASIA by BloombergChinmei SungStephen Engle
Sony puts web access on LCD TV.(TRENDS: TECH NEWS)(Product/service evaluation)(Brief article)Shu, Les