//LCD Configuration lcd.begin(19,3); //The begin function tells the LCD driver the size of your LCD screen (columns x rows) lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); //setBacklight controls the LCD backlight //Test Code lcd.setCursor(0,0); //setCursor function sets the position of the character cursor...
// include the library code:#include<LiquidCrystal.h>// Creates an LCD object. Parameters: (rs, enable, d4, d5, d6, d7)LiquidCrystallcd(12,11,5,4,3,2);voidsetup(){// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:lcd.begin(16,2);// Clears the LCD screenlcd.clear...
Arduino Uno 点亮 LCD1602 说 Hello 凌顺实验室 3829 2 【Arduino实验】24个Arduino传感器实验 Def李 4015 1 互动触摸桌 幻数坊工作室 419 0 基于arduino与1.8寸TFT屏幕的GUI设计 硫离子的收藏小站 2.6万 24 【搬运】Genocide Town By Touchscreen Rishi -New Yeah SteelyEternity 2021 4 [How To Mecha...
屏幕: 2.8‘’ TFT LCD (ILI9341、SPI) IDE: Arduino 库:Ucglib 玩Arduino也有一阵子了,B站小电视和天气始终带火了0.96寸的OLED,上手简单,确实好用,但有个短处就是太小了,而且不支持触摸。。。那这次这个稍微大一点又支持触摸的吧(事实证明就是完虐自己) 首先就是某宝搜索arduino TFT屏幕(Arduino创客多用这种T...
// clear the screen lcd.clear(); // read all the available characters while (Serial.available() > 0) { // display each character to the LCD lcd.write(Serial.read()); } } } image.png 显示滚动效果 image.png // include the library code: ...
第二个添加了一个库,支持MCUFRIEND Arduino显示扩展板的驱动程序。#include "TouchScreen.h" // only ...
之前在淘宝买了一块2.4寸240×320像素的SPI串口屏(使用的驱动芯片是ST7789V),下面尝试使用TFT_eSPI库在Arduino+ESP32上快速点亮这个屏幕。屏幕上有8个引脚,我对应的接线如下(我买的这个屏幕背光线不接悬空的话屏幕不会亮) 在Arduino的库管理器中下载TFT_eSPI库,之后在该库的路径下(C:\Users\xx\Documents\Ardui...
(byte)GraphicDriverCommandType.Command,1,0x29};//配置屏幕ScreenConfiguration scrcfg =new(0,0,320,240, driver ); 通过Ili9342.GraphicDriver 静态成员可以获得相关的驱动。如果你的板子是 St7789,那就改为对应的类。注意上面代码中高亮的部分,即
// clear the screen lcd.clear(); // range value: switch (range) { case 0: // Sensor getting wet msg = "Flood!!!"; break; case 1: // Sensor getting wet msg = "Rainning!"; break; case 2: // Sensor dry - To shut this up delete the " Serial.println("Not Raining"); " be...