The meaning of the configuration names is as follows: Basic: Low-level API functions set without any high-level helper API Basic, 7-Segment helper: Low-level API functions set + 7-Segment helper API Basic, 14-Segment helper: Low-level API functions set + 14-Segment helper API Basic,...
There is also a statistically significant difference between these averages, meaning a significant difference can be discerned between how positively/negatively a movie section is perceived when using VR and when using a monitor (Fig. 7). However, arousal came out relatively weak in both cases. ...
CRTs have also been used as memory devices, wherein the visible light from the fluorescent material (if any) does not really have any significant meaning to a visual observer, but the visible pattern on the tube face could cryptically represent the stored data. In television set...
The meaning is exactly the same. In the following example, the JDL name SAMPL corresponds to the name of the JDL to be used when printing a job. The command can be stated in the following ways: SAMPL: SYSTEM; SAMPL: JDL; JDL or system level commands PDL commands coded at the JDL or...
The meaning of the configuration names is as follows: Basic: Low-level API functions set without any high-level helper API Basic, 7-Segment helper: Low-level API functions set + 7-Segment helper API Basic, 14-Segment helper: Low-level API functions set + 14-Segment helper API Basic,...