// include the library code:#include<LiquidCrystal.h>// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pinsLiquidCrystallcd(12,11,5,4,3,2);// make some custom characters:byteHeart[8]={0b00000,0b01010,0b11111,0b11111,0b01110,0b00100,0b00000,0b00000};byteBell[8...
加载库文件 在Arduino IDE 1.6.2 或者以上版本中,项目->加载库->管理库中搜索LiquidCrystal,然后安装即可。 示例代码 // include the library code:#include<LiquidCrystal.h>// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pinsLiquidCrystallcd(12,11,5,4,3,2);voidsetup(){// set up the ...
2.4英寸TFT LCD屏幕是一个完美的Arduino Shield。您可以直接将LCD屏幕推到Arduino Uno的顶部,它将与引脚完美匹配并滑入。但是,出于安全考虑,用小绝缘胶带覆盖Arduino UNO的编程端子,以防终端与TFT LCD屏幕接触。在UNO上组装的LCD如下所示。 为TFT LCD 编程您的 Arduino: 我们正在使用SPFD5408 库来使这个arduino 计...
// initialize the library by associating any needed LCD interface pin // with the arduino pin ...
Arduino LCD Character Composer composer是设计的意思,Arduino 液晶显示屏字符设计。 同样的字符设计也有现成的实例文件。 // include the library code:#include <LiquidCrystal.h>// initialize the library by associating any needed LCD interface pin// with the arduino pin number it is connected toconstint...
lines and 12 English characters/6 Chinese characters per line. It is suitable for interactive work with Arduino.It features a backlit control, pallerlel or serial control, contrast adjust. It can be connect to our interface shield via IDC6 socket and cables.connection diagram for LCD Module ...
模块接口 4-wire SPI interface 有效显示区域(AA区) 43.2x57.6(mm) 模块PCB底板尺寸 50.0x86.0(mm) 工作温度 -20℃~60℃ 存储温度 -30℃~70℃ VCC电源电压 3.3V~5V 逻辑IO口电压3.3V(TTL) 产品介绍 2.8寸彩屏,支持16BIT RGB 65K色显示,显示色彩丰富 ...
Handson Technology 20x4 I2C 接口蓝屏 LCD 模块用户指南说明书 User Guide
Multiple Peripheral Interfaces:Comes with CAN, RS485, I2C, and USB ports for versatile expansion and connectivity. 5-Point Capacitive Touch:Equipped with a 5-point capacitive touch interface, enabling precise control and interaction. Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Connectivity:Integrates 2.4GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetoot...
out with its high-quality visuals. **Seamless Integration and Control** The module's compatibility with the Arduino platform makes it a breeze to integrate into your existing projects. The capacitive touch options (Options 2, 3, 4) provide a responsive and intuitive user interface, allowing for...