This is another great 16x2 character LCD display with I2C interface designed for 3.3V and 5V supply. The LCD features full colour RGB background, allowing you to change the background colour to meet your project requirement. The LCD uses I2C communication interface - only four wires (power, ...
Controls Text Liquid Crystal Display with I2C interface DescriptionUse this component to control Text Liquid Crystal Display with I2C interface. Resources: Instructable: Arduino Nano: I2C 2 X 16 LCD Display With Visuino Instructable: Arduino Nano: DHT11 Temperature an Humidity I2C 2 X 16 LCD ...
Funduino I2C 2×16 LCD 范例说明 一般LCD有许多pin脚, 以手上这片LCD为例有16个pin直接控制LCD的话会用掉许多pin, 在资料处理上也很麻烦, 所以一般LCD会有额外的控制晶片帮忙处理, 并且使用I2C介面控制这块控制晶片。 在Ameba RTL8195上使用I2C控制LCD的接法: 在Ameba RTL8710上使用I2C控制LCD的接法: 打开范...
Specifications: Resolution: 16*2 Interface: I2C Compatibility: 3.3v/5v Display Type: HD44780 SPLC780D Design: Translucent LCD Display Applicable Scenarios: Arduino Projects, Electronic DIY Features: |Thuderbolt Display|I2c Mux| **Enhanced Visual Clarity for Your Projects** The I2C 1602 16x2 LCD ...
数码相框(LCD、I2C) 一:项目介绍 该项目最终实现的功能很简单,手指在触摸屏左滑(下一张图片),右滑(上一张图片) 1.1软硬件资源 硬件:pc机,ARM Cortex-A9开发板 软件:linux 操作系统 1.3项目流程 本项目主要分为三大模块: 一:LCD驱动编写 二:I2C驱动编写...
数码相框(LCD、I2C) 一:项目介绍 该项目最终实现的功能很简单,手指在触摸屏左滑(下一张图片),右滑(上一张图片) 1.1软硬件资源 硬件:pc机,ARM Cortex-A9开发板 软件:linux 操作系统 1.3项目流程 本项目主要分为三大模块: 一:LCD驱动编写 二:I2C驱动编写...
液晶显示器,简称LCD(Liquid Crystal Display),相对于上一代CRT显示器(阴极射线管显示器),LCD显示器具有功耗低、体积小、承载的信息量大及不伤眼的优点,因而它成为了现在的主流电子显示设备,其中包括电视、电脑显示器、手机屏幕及各种嵌入式设备的显示器。图 液晶电视及CRT电视 是液晶电视与CRT电视的外观对比,很明显...
lcd.lcd_display_string("HD44780 I2C Tutorial",4) The first parameter of thelcd_display_stringis for the text and the second for the row. You do not have to change all lines at once, but you can not easily replace individual characters. For this, the entire text (with the character ch...
I2C_LCD 易用显示模块说明书 I2C_LCD (With universal Grove cable) SKU114990502 PRODUCT DETAILS I2C_LCD is an easy-to-use display module, It can make display easier. Using it can reduce the difficulty of make, so that makers can focus on the core of the work.We developed the Arduino ...