Local Coverage Determination (LCD): Speech-Language Pathology (L33580)CMS Transmittal No. 2622, Publication 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, and CMSTransmittal 163, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Change Request #8005, December 21, 2012, provides implementation information on new non-...
Palmetto GBA, a Medicare Administrative Contractor that assesses molecular diagnostic technologies, has issued a draft local coverage determination (LCD) for the Prolaris prostate cancer test, Myriad Genetics, Inc. announced. The LCD, which is posted to the Medicare Coverage Database on the Centers...
Forservicesperformedonorafter10/01/2000 OriginalDeterminationEndingDate RevisionEffectiveDate Forservicesperformedonorafter10/01/2005 RevisionEndingDate IndicationsandLimitationsofCoverageand/orMedicalNecessity ForanyitemtobecoveredbyMedicare,itmust:1)beeligibleforadefinedMedicarebenefit ...
Medicare coverage for cataract extraction and cataract extraction with intraocular lens implant is based on services that are reasonable and medically necessary for the treatment of beneficiarieswith cataract(s). This policy defines coverage and describes criteria necessary to justify the performance of...
Forexample, this exclusion does not apply to surgery in connection with treatment of severe burns or repair of the face following a serious automobile accident, or to surgery for therapeutic purposes which coincidentally also serves some cosmetic purpose" (CMS Publication 100-2; MedicareBenefit ...
Local Coverage Determination (LCD): Speech-Language Pathology (L31899)Speech-language pathology services are those services provided within the scope of practice of speech-language pathologists and necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of speech and language disorders, which result in communication ...
Prostate cancer test granted draft Medicare LCDPalmetto GBA, a Medicare Administrative Contractor that assesses molecular diagnostic technologies, has issued a draft local coverage determination (LCD) for the Prolaris prostate cancer test, MyriaRichard R. Kerr...
When a below knee preparatory prefabricated prosthesis (L5535) is provided, prosthetic substitutions and/or additions of procedures are covered in accordancewith the functional level assessment except for codes L5620, L5629, L5645, L5646, L5670,L5676, L5704, and L5962 which will be denied as...
The article announces listing of Prolaris, the prognostic test in the Medicare coverage database, local coverage determination (LCD) for assessing the aggressiveness of prostate cancer by Noridian, t...
Some causes of cataracts may include: ultraviolet-尾 radiation exposure,complications of diabetes, drug and/or alcohol use, smoking, and the natural process of aging.Medicare coverage for cataract extraction and cataract extraction with intraocular lens implant is based on services that are reasonable ...