LCBD,即全麻下腹腔镜胆总管切开取石手术,是胆总管结石的重要治疗方法。以下是对LCBD的详细介绍: 一、LCBD手术概述 LCBD手术,全称全麻下腹腔镜胆总管切开取石手术,是专门针对胆总管结石设计的一种微创手术方法。它结合了腹腔镜技术的微创优势和胆总管切开取石术的确切疗效,为胆总管结石患者提供了...
The LCBD (Lung Cancer Biomarker Database) is an integrated database of multiple types of lung cancer biomarkers that provide a variety of information about lung cancer biomarkers, including drug target information, genetic information, chromosomal information, and so on. Data Download Biomarker Search...
1 decreased slightly at a given cooling rate with the increased LCBD. The LCB PE samples with higher LCBD had less crystallinity structure. Meanwhile, the [] decreased as the LCBD increased. Figure 10 shows the influence of LCBD on the relative crystallization rate (d[[CHI].sub.t...
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