An Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (E-LCA) is a framework for measuring the inputs, outputs, and environmental performance of a product, service, or product system2, such as: 1. A product or good Hardware (e.g. a car) Software (e.g. a computer program) Processed materials (e.g....
An LCA evaluates both the entire or partial life cycle of a product: from resource extraction, production and usage, to recycling, the disposal of waste, and potential product reuse. Why undergo a Life Cycle Assessment of your product or service?
Life cycle assessment (LCA), or life cycle analysis, is a pivotal method for evaluating the environmental impacts of a product, process, or service across its entire life cycle. This includes the extraction of raw materials, production, use, and post-use phases. Each of these life cycle stag...
During a Life Cycle Assessment (Life Cycle Analysis), you evaluate the potential environmental impacts throughout the entire life cycle of a product (production, distribution, use and end-of-life phases) or service. This also includes the upstream (e.g., suppliers) and downstream (e.g., was...
Journal of Cleaner ProductionSecchi M, Castellani V, Collina E, Mirabella N, Sala S, Assessing eco-innovations in green chemistry: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a cosmetic product with a bio-based ingredient, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 129, 2016, pp. 269-281....
Anevaluationprocessofinput/outputandenvironment,energyandeconomyimpactwithintotalproductlifecycle.1、生命周期评估内容与标准 生命周期评价起源于企业内部LCA的最初应用可追溯到1969年美国可口可乐公司对不同饮料容器的资源消耗和环境释放所作的特征分析。一些国际著名的跨国企业,如HP、IBM、AT&T、德国西门子公司等,一方面...
英语翻译Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a technique for assessing variousaspects associated with development of a product and its potentialimpact throughout a product’s life [4].LCA stage includesdefinition of goal and scope,inventory analysis,impact ass
An end-of-life scenario is a percentage breakdown of a product or product component into processing options. Processing options include landfill, incineration, recycling (with or without reprocessing) or reuse. More or less materials are released for recycling depending on the specific scenario and ...
LifeCycleAssessment LCAWhyLCA?Quantifytheenvironmentalimpactofaproductorprocess*AnswerquestionsaboutproductlifecyclesComparetwoalternatives-whichisgreener?Identifytheharmfulstagesofthelifecycle*orcarryoutaqualitativeassessment–quickbutsubjectiveTheLCAsystem+TransportExtractionofmaterialsProcessingofmaterialsManufactureandassembly...
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a method that helps investigate the environmental impact of a product from raw material extraction to disposal or recycling. This is achieved by quantifying all materials and energy inputs as well as waste and pollutants outputs, enabling the comparison of the impact...