Thesort sequence path nameis a string specifying a fully expanded path name of an existing sort sequence table to use as the definition for this category. The path name delimiter must be a slash (/). Other valid values are strings containing one of the following sort sequence tables: ...
由collating-element 语句定义的符号名称值仅可与 LC_COLLATE 类别一起识别。 订单开始 order_start 语句可以后跟一个或多个整理顺序语句,将整理权重分配给整理元素。 该语句是必需的。 order_start 语句的语法为: order_startsort-rules;sort-rules;...sort-rules collation-order-statementsorder_end 排序规则具有...
BedGraph文件转为bigWig 报错Please use "sort -k1,1 -k2,2n" with LC_COLLATE=C, or bedSort and try again. 热衷组培的二货潜关注赞赏支持BedGraph文件转为bigWig 报错Please use "sort -k1,1 -k2,2n" with LC_COLLATE=C, or bedSort and try again. 热衷组培的二货潜关注IP属地: 西藏 2018.08.21 ...
参数名称 参数类型 是否必填 说明 value 任意(自动转为String) 是 需要被排序的原字符串。 reverse Boolean 否 默认为false,表示升序排列。 返回结果排序后的字符串。 函数示例 测试数据 { "key1": "value" } 加工规则 e_set("str_sort" 来自:帮助中心 ...
C locale basically means "sort by the byte sequence values". It'll do something self-consistent, but maybe not what you'd like for UTF8 characters. [color=blue] > Our database is UNICODE with LC_COLLATE=en_U S.iso885915.[/color] Does that sort rationally at all? I should think yo...
collating-element <L> von <C><H>collating-element <E-Akut> von <Akut><E>collating-element <11> von <1><1> EinSortiersymbol-Wert, der von der AnweisungSortierelementdefiniert wird, wird nur mit der KategorieLC_COLLATEerkannt. ElementBeschreibung ...
正向和反向指引互斥。 下列範例顯示 sort-rules 指引的語法: order_startforward;backward 訂單結束 這個關鍵字會結束 order_start 關鍵字所建立的對照順序登錄。 在order_start 和 order_end 關鍵字之間指定的字元和元素順序,會定義在範圍表示式和正規表示式中使用的字元順序。 如果未指派任何加權給字元,則字元順序...
Thesort sequence path nameis a string specifying a fully expanded path name of an existing sort sequence table to use as the definition for this category. The path name delimiter must be a slash (/). Other valid values are strings containing one of the following sort sequence tables: ...
Thesort sequence path nameis a string specifying a fully expanded path name of an existing sort sequence table to use as the definition for this category. The path name delimiter must be a slash (/). Other valid values are strings containing one of the following sort sequence tables: ...