The LC6000 PRIME is instantly compatible with various DJ software platforms. Offering club style control over your DJ software of choice. USB powered. No driver required. MIX AND MATCH Add one or multiple LC6000’s to build the ultimate laptop DJ setup. Pair with any compatible mixer such as...
LC6000 EXPAND YOUR CREATIVITY The Denon DJ LC6000 PRIME is the world's most versatile DJ controller. Bringing professional club style layout, design, and control to both standalone and laptop-based DJ workflows. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases...
LC6000 Setup Controls Rear panel Denon DJ DENON DJ LC6000 PRIME LC6000 operationguide for VirtualDJ 8.5+ Last Update : April 2021 Setup
Denon DJ 正式发布 LC6000 Prime。这是一款全尺寸 DJ 控制器,它的设计初衷是作为 Prime 多媒体播放器的辅助控制器使用,但也可以与 DJ 软件搭配使用。 LC6000 Prime 拥有与 SC6000 相同的尺寸,咋一看像是阉割了屏幕的 SC6000,不过 LC6000 内部并没有配置声卡和处理器,是一台纯粹的控制器。 这款产品的设计理...
美国安捷伦1260 Infinity II Prime 四元液相色谱仪UHPLC系统 在线交易 距您较近 广东晟泽科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥888.00/台 上海 木森生物 岛津 液相 气相 色谱仪 SCL 10A 20A L-2030 在线交易 岛津品牌 上海木森生物科技有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥888.00/台 广东广州 Nexera UC Prep 半制备型超临界...
The LC6000 PRIME is instantly compatible with various DJ software platforms. Offering club style control over your DJ software of choice. USB powered. No driver required. MIX AND MATCH Add one or multiple LC6000’s to build the ultimate laptop DJ setup. Pair with any compatible mixer such as...