Instead of printing 10, it prints nothing and shows the error A trap was executed with an illegal vector number. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks! CODEMY CODE: .ORIG x3000 LD R1, ASCII TRAP x23 ADD R1, R1, R0 AND R0, R0, #0 ADD R0, R1, R1 TRAP x21 ASCII .FILL #-48 .EN...
get(); if(s=="x21") cout<<char(R[0]); if(s=="x22") for(int i=R[0];mem[i];i++) cout<<char(mem[i]); if(s=="x23"){ cout<<"Please input a character:"; R[0]=cin.get(); } if(s=="x25") break; } if(m[s]==27) R[0]=cin.get(); //GETC if(m[s]==28...
privilegedoperations CMPE12–Winter2009–Ferguson 10-3 SystemCall 1.Userprograminvokessystemcall. 2.Operatingsystemcodeperformsoperation. 3.Returnscontroltouserprogram. InLC-3,thisisdonethroughtheTRAPmechanism. CMPE12–Winter2009–Ferguson