Engineers deem a VCO (volt-age-controlled oscillator) capable of covering one octave as state of the art. This topology allows a 4-to-l ratio in output frequency.Louis VlemincqElectrical Design News
频率压控振荡器(VCO)是一种特殊类型的振荡器,它的输出频率可以通过外部输入电压进行调节。LC tank在VCO设计中非常重要,通过调节电感器和电容器的数值,可以实现频率的连续调整。VCO在射频通信系统中广泛应用于频率合成和频率调制等领域,为无线信号的发射和接收提供频率灵活性。 4.频率滤波器 LC tank作为频率选择电路,...
A voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) with 56 GHz central frequency and 17% tuning range is presented. The oscillation frequency is tuned both by an analog input and a three-bit digital control bus using the same type of differential varactors. It achieves a record FOMT (considering tuning rang...
This dissertation focuses on high-performance LC-tank CMOS VCO design at 2 GHz. The high-Q inductors are realized using wiring metal lines in advanced packages. Those inductors are used in the resonator of the VCO to achieve low phase noise, low power consumption, and a wide frequency tuning...
Hi guys, In my VCO design, if I introduce a fixed capacitance, Cap_fix into the C tank, it works fine and give me the target frequency I want. If I disconnect this path (in parallel with the total C) to disable the introduction of this Cap_fix, it gives me higher frequency and ...
The article discusses the use of low-power voltage-controlled-oscillator (VCO) circuitry with high-frequency silicon CMOS semiconductor technology to provide effective signal generation for a large range of wireless applications. By incorporating capacitive feedback and forward-body-bias (FBB) techniques...
LC VCOphase noiseA differential-voltage-controlled LC oscillator employs a g m -tuned technique instead of a varactor is presented, verified, and measured. The design was demonstrated in a standard 0.18-m CMOS process. The oscillator can operate at the range of 4.73-5.05 GHz under a 1.8-V ...
Fully integrated 1.7GHz, 188dBc/Hz FoM, 0.8V, 320/spl mu/W LC-tank VCO and frequency divider This paper presents a 0.13/spl mu/m CMOS 1.7GHz VCO with frequency divider, suitable for ultra-low-power hearing-aid applications. The circuit has a 16% tu... Midtgaard,J.,Jeppesen,... -...
摘要: A new wide locking range injection-locked frequency divider (ILFD) using a standard 0.18-mum CMOS process is presented. The ILFD is based on a differential voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) with two embedded injection metal oxide semiconductor fiel......
工作曲线,并用ADS进行电路仿真,得到5GHz频率下LCVCO需要的 电路参数。 4)采用软件ADS对各种负阻振荡器结构建模比较,选取NMOSPMOS交叉 第3页 国防科学技术大学研究生院工程硕上学位论文 耦合对实现负阻的结构,实现了一款振荡频率为5.4Hz~4.6Hz的LC振荡