The buffer capacity of a polyprotic acid, or a mixture of monoprotic acids, depends upon the concentration of each weak acid-conjugate base pair, and the pH of its maximum value mainly fits to the acid-base pKa, but it is shifted to a certain degree according to the ionic strength of ...
(MCX?WCX?HLB?MAX?WAX?buffer是啥?wash solution?Elute solution?氮吹温度?复溶液是啥?)LLE?(buffer是啥?萃取剂是啥?氮吹温度是啥?复溶液是啥?)
LC-MS液质联用资料系列1.LiquidChromatography CoupledtoTandemMass Spectrometry ProcessesNeededtoGeneratea MassSpectrum 1)Generatedesolvatedions(Sources)2)Transferionsintomassspectrometervacuum(InterfaceRegion)3)Massanalyzeions(Quadrupoles)4)Detections(Detector)5)Processthedata(Software)TheSource TheSource Ionization...
采用两种ASO样品制备方法,固相萃取法 (Phenomenex Clarity OTX SPE plate, OTX lysis-loading buffer) 和特异性杂交法(自制捕获磁珠)处理空白大鼠血浆,处理后的溶液用0.1或1ng/mL的ASO-001做后加标分析,评价样品的清洁程度对微流LC灵敏度提高的影响。 如图2结果显示,对于0.1ng/mL ASO-001,如果使用一步法SPE净化...
Solution phase pH ?Type and concentration of acidic modifier or volatile buffer ?Type and concentration of organic modifier ?Gas phase Reactions are important, feasibility depends on proton affinities of analyte versus modifier in eluent ?ESI is a complex process comprises of many different variables,...
Buffer Add-on 494 € Buffers in amber bottles for additional clean-up runs The PreOmics® products displayed are for visual representation only and may differ from those received Imagine Applying the science Find out more about the wide range of applications to which PreOmics technology has been...
Method: The determination was performed on uncoated fused-silica capillary with the running buffer system consisted of 15 mmol·L-1 borax -5 mmol·L-1 hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin(adjusted pH to 9.0 with phosphoric acid). The separation voltage was 25 kV, the capillary temperature was maintained...
13、at m/z = (MW*2)+1 Can cause non-linearity at high concentrationsProgesterone in Positive Ion ESI-MSM+ Na+Intensity,cpsIntensity,cps6e7Effect of Phosphate BufferQ1 MCA (10 scans): from cck q1 -ve nano254.43424.538.78e7 cps8e77e7CCK dissolved in Phosphate B uffer566.445e74e73e7733.9...
(0. 1% ammonium formate-0. 1% formic acid buffersolution)-methanol 90∶ 10 as mobile phase A and methanol as mobile phase B. 5 mmol·L-1dithiothreitol buffersolution was used as the antioxidant,the determination was carried out by multiple reactions monitoring mode withpositive electrospray ...