LC Waikiki RS你可能也會喜歡 Hepsiburada Global: Shopping MOJ MAXI 購物 DeFacto - Giyim & Alışveriş Umico: Shopping, Cashback, EDV Feel22-Your Beauty, Your Terms
Product Safety As LC Waikiki we have adopted the idea of presenting the quality products with reasonable prices and at the same time we give a particular importance to the product safety of our products and human health with our wide range of products. Organic Cotton Collection for Newborn Babi...
LC Waikiki needed to refresh its infrastructure to avoid delays in delivering merchandise from warehouses to stores. “To become one of the top three fashion brands in Europe, we need to underpin our operations with fast and highly responsive systems; we need infrastructure that can fulfill our ...
土耳其领先的服装和零售品牌LC Waikiki在Yalova开设了新的物流中心,财政和金融部长努尔丁·内巴蒂(Nureddin Nebati )和工业和技术部长穆斯塔法·瓦兰克(Mustafa Varank)出席了会议。瓦兰克部长表示,该服装公司在4大洲56个国家拥有1232家店铺,是欧洲第六大服装零售商。他说:“LC Waikiki在其经营的56个国家中的22...
LC Waikiki Information Security Management System and Personal Data Management System Policy Protecting the personal data of our employees, customers, suppliers and persons related to our reputation and brand value in the public, in accordance with the law; In line with the aim of complying with th...
3505商业企业迁移; 3506办公机器和设备出租; 3507会计; 3508自动售货机出租、寻找赞助; 基本信息 商标名称卢塞瓦伊齐 LCWAIKIKI 申请号12203811国际分类35类-广告销售商标分类表 商标状态已注册申请日期2013-02-28 申请人卢塞瓦伊齐采购服务贸易股份公司 LC WAIKIKI MAGAZACILIK HIZMETLERI TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI查看此...
土耳其LC WAIKIKI成立于1988年,该品牌的座右铭为:“everyone deserves to dress well”,说白了就主打一个实惠便宜。土耳其李壮羊 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多7 -- 0:15 App 随便看看土耳其童装吧 24.8万 180 2:44 App 兄弟,我也要这么穿吗? 4 -- 0:12 App 记录一下!那些可可爱爱...
LC Waikiki 土耳其快时尚品牌,成立于1988年,自1997年以来该公司一直以“LC Waikiki Retail”的名义提供服务,同时以“Everyone deserves to dress well”(人人都有权进行魅力装扮)为座右铭,并且在土耳其秉持“实惠时装”的经营方式。 LC Waikiki在土耳其国内外实现了32年的持续发展。作为成衣行业的领导者,LC Waikiki业务...
Корпоратив 10.10.14 LC Waikiki ПраймПлаза. Бар "Библиотека" Aytimbetova Gulnara 8 10月 2014 Lc-Waikiki, привет! СпомощьюэтогоподаркасможешьБЕСПЛАТНОполучитьфутболкутут: ...
土耳其领先的服装和零售品牌LC Waikiki在Yalova开设了新的物流中心,财政和金融部长努尔丁·内巴蒂(Nureddin Nebati )和工业和技术部长穆斯塔法·瓦兰克(Mustafa Varank)出席了会议。 瓦兰克部长表示,该服装公司在4大洲56个国家拥有1232家店铺,是欧洲第...