In our approach, EB-GII adducts are selectively released from DNA backbone by neutral thermal hydrolysis, followed by ultrafiltration, offline HPLC purification, and isotope dilution nanoLC/ESI+-HRMS3 analysis on an Orbitrap Velos mass spectrometer. Following method validation, EB-GII lesions were ...
;扫描模式 – Full Scan(全扫描);扫描模式 – SIM(选择离子监控);扫描模式 – SRM(选择反应监控);扫描模式 – MRM(多级反应监控);MRM 扫描方式的特点;4、质谱术语;质量色谱图;;;数学定义:;Mass measurement accuracy depends on resolution;HRMS: An Example;不同仪器: 四极杆:4000Da 离子阱质谱:4000Da 磁...
InFigure 1, the LC-ESI/HRMS profile of baby leaves ofS. oleraceaEtOH extract obtained by using SLDE-Naviglio is reported; the peaks corresponding to 42 metabolites could be observed. In detail, the careful study of the exact mass, fragmentation pattern, and literature data prompted us to tent...