LDand LC, lethal dosage 50/lethal concentration 50, is the dosage or inhaled concentration of a substance that will lead to the deaths of 50% of the dosed population. Although other tests are in the process of development that can do some degree supplant for the current form of testing, ...
Be sure you're in compliance with DOT placards and labels from Safety Emporium.An LCLo value is the lowest concentration of a material in air reported to have caused the death of animals or humans. The exposure may be acute or chronic. This is also called the lowest concentration causing ...
半数致死浓度(LC_(50)) 2) ED50 半数效量 1. Application of a New Model of Calculating theED50in the Determination of Mouse Serum Hemolysin; 半数效量分析模型在小鼠血清溶血素测定中的应用 3) semi-digital 半数字 4) Semi-digitalization ...
项目LC 30LC 35LC 40LC 50加工能力床面旋径770 mm (30")895 mm (35")1020 mm (40")1265mm (50")鞍面旋径350 mm (13.8")480 mm (18.9")610 mm (24")860 mm (33.8")中心高390 mm (15.3")455 mm (18")520 mm (20.5")635 mm (25")两顶心距离1200(47.2") / 2200(66.6") / 3200(1...
项目LC 30LC 35LC 40LC 50 加工能力 床面旋径770 mm (30")895 mm (35")1020 mm (40")1265mm (50") 鞍面旋径350 mm (13.8")480 mm (18.9")610 mm (24")860 mm (33.8") 中心高390 mm (15.3")455 mm (18")520 mm (20.5")635 mm (25") ...
3) LC 50 半致死 1. Results showed that the LC 50 of nitrite-Na to the shrimp M. 通过实验得出 :亚硝酸钠对日本沼虾 2 4、48、96h的半致死浓度分别为 46、2 6、1 3 3 3mg L ,多聚磷酸钠对日本沼虾 2 4、48、96h的半致死浓度分别为 1 2 3 3 3 3、1 1 80、1 0 80mg L。
50 mg ¥25500 In-stock 100 mg ¥38000 In-stock 200 mg 询价 500 mg 询价 * Please select Quantity before adding items. LCAHA 相关产品 •相关化合物库: Bioactive Compound Library Plus Cell Cycle/DNA Damage Compound Library Anti-Cancer Compound Library Anti-Aging Compound Library Ubiquit...
2) LC 50 LC50 1. The toxicity of 16% mixed emulsifiable solution of phoxim and omethoate based on LD 50 and LC 50 were described in this paper. 即混合乳油的LD50 和LC5 2. Median lethal concentrations (LC 50 values) were obtained by means of probit method. 通过海洋纤毛虫寡毛双眉...
经济地理 , LC 或LD 以及 95 %置信限 ,而不能像 SPSS 和 50 50 ( ) 2001 ,21 5 :614~619 SAS 那样一次同时输出001~099 的死亡率的 ( ) 5 霍新林 ,常平凡 , 白磊. 山西农业大学学报 社会科学版 , ( ) 2004 ,4 (3) :317~340 浓度 或剂量 ,更不能输出对数单位与概率单 位的关系曲线 ...