I keep getting Expected LBRACE after I use @media in my CSS. Has anyone come across this? My CSS: @media screen and (max-width: 400px).box3 {float: left;text-align: center;height: 300px;width: 25%;margin-left: 30px;margin-top: 20px;background-color: #FFFFFF;display: inline-blo...
I am trying to write something to my main.css and I am getting the above error message. Can anyone help me and the code in question is as follows @Blissful_help0D4E-face { font-family: 'HeyAlice' cursive; src: url("../fonts/HeyAlice-Regular.otf"); } It is at the very top of...
I am trying to write something to my main.css and I am getting the above error message. Can anyone help me and the code in question is as follows @Blissful_help0D4E-face { font-family: 'HeyAlice' cursive; src: url("../fonts/HeyAlice-Regular.otf"); } It is at ...
I have had a friend who is a web developer down in Devon, UK, help me with it and between us, we have got it sorted. Apparently there were 3 weird characters at the start when he looked at the CSS through a HexViewer. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Jump to answer 8...
For example: having the odacity to use the fr unit when working with CSS Grid will throw that error. Turn Linting off in your preferences and use the online resources like https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ for CSS validation and https://validator.w3.org/nu/ for HTML...
I am trying to write something to my main.css and I am getting the above error message. Can anyone help me and the code in question is as follows @Blissful_help0D4E-face { font-family: 'HeyAlice' cursive; src: url("../fonts/HeyAlice-Regular.otf"); } It is at ...
I am trying to write something to my main.css and I am getting the above error message. Can anyone help me and the code in question is as follows @Blissful_help0D4E-face { font-family: 'HeyAlice' cursive; src: url("../fonts/HeyAlice-Regular.otf"); } It is at ...