On this plot of land bordering the Pedernales River, LBJ was born, died and is now buried. A sentimental place for him, it’s where he spent much of his presidency relaxing, hosting friends and dignitaries, and grappling with national affairs in a home that became known as the Texas Whit...
So, in spring 1973, Rostow found himself in a curious position. As Johnson’s presidency ended in 1969 and at Johnson’s instruction Rostow had taken with him the White House file chronicling Nixon’s Vietnam gambit, consisting of scores of “secret” and “top secret” documents. Rostow ha...
No, but it is important to highlight that the Council on Foreign Relations has stunk up the place with tremendous amounts of radioactive horse manure relating to the 1963 Coup d’Etat. The Discovery Channel has put out some incredibly bogus, poorly done disinfo presentations such as Inside t...