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SAE AMS3814/12由美国机动车工程师协会 US-SAE 发布于 1986-07-01。 SAE AMS3814/12 线 无芯 对位芳族聚酰胺 中等模量 6500 Lb(28,915 N) 50 Ft每Lb(35 M/kg)的最新版本是哪一版? SAE AMS3814/12已经是当前最新版本。
FX50 and FX50-1 Servo Motor Installation This Manual describes the installation and operating instructions for the FX50 and FX50-1, 37lb.- ft./ 50Nm . servo motor.SAFETY INFORMATION WARNING: When this equipment is mounted onto an appliance, all external timers/control- lers must be listed ...
4 in x 30 ft Truck Straps Our 4 in x 30 ft truck straps made of premium polyester treated with a highly durable, stable, and reliable coating.The flat steel hook on one end of the straps is convenient and easy to use in most scenarios.These winch straps can be applied in heavy-...
品牌: KENTA/克恩达 起订数量: 1(把) 预计出货周期: 0(日) 销售价: 登录后查看价格 数量: -+ 把 商品介绍 商品参数 商品评论 商品介绍 产品介绍 /Introduction 商品属性: 扭矩范围:6~30N·m扭矩精度:±4%驱动方头:3/8"长度:315mm扭矩显示:报警模式:最小转角:箱规:-核心规格:50~250lb.ft ...
factory price 50LB 1000ft brown kraft paper rolls for sale 1.We deliver quality products competitive prices, helpful advice, and reliable service. 2.You are sure to find the perfect product for the job without spending a dollar more than you should. 3.SGS certificate e...
Question: A motor delivers 50lb*ft of torque to the pinion gear D, which is in mesh with the larger gear A andthe attached drum over which the cable winds.(Figure 1)FigurePart AIf A has a weight of 120 lb and a radius...
1) ft-lb foot-pound 英尺磅=0.3048米×0.453592千克 2) lb pound(s) 磅=0.453592千克 3) ft.foot,feet 英尺=0.3048米 4) kip-ft. 千磅-英尺 5) foot poundal 英尺磅达 6) foot-pound-second 英尺-磅-秒 补充资料:英尺 英尺 foot yingChi英尺(丘以)在英语国家中,古代和现代各种以人脚长度为依据的...