印象中他写的tokyonight.nvim应该是第一个由Lua编写的色彩方案, 同时它也引发了Neovim社区中色彩方案反过来支持插件的潮流, 相信现在流行的很多主题,例如catppuccin、rose-pine、nightfox都深受其启发。 除此以外,如果你的喜欢Neovim v0.8.0带来的set cmdheight=0来隐藏底部的cmdline, 那想必你一定会接触到他的no...
首先定义一个局部变量lazypath,它是Lazy.nvim插件的存放路径,通常位于~\.local\share\nvim\lazy\目录下。 然后检测Lazy.nvim是否被安装,如果在lazypath中没有找到它,就通过Git克隆这个插件到lazypath。 最后将lazypath加入runtimepath,这样Neovim就能找到插件。 配置Lazy.nvim 在Lazy.nvim中,使用.setup方法配置laz...
luaneovimneovim-configurationneovim-configdoom-nvimlazyvimlazynvim UpdatedOct 30, 2024 Lua My Neovim config heavily inspired by@ThePrimeagen. cloakluaneovimtelescopeharpoonfugitivetreesitterundo-treetokyonightzenmodelsp-zerolazynvim UpdatedNov 19, 2024 ...
A simple nvim config folder. Using lazy.nvim to bring in some useful functionality without making it too complex. Features include: Tokyonight/Night (theme) Nvim tree (file tree) Nvimtreesitter (syntax highlighting) Barbar (tab spaces) Lualine (Nvim status line) Telescope (fuzzy finder) ...
"tokyonight.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "7e5ef71a103e7de5fe6c05f5d6ab97d1640f08cf" }, "vim-illuminate": { "branch": "master", "commit": "5eeb7951fc630682c322e88a9bbdae5c224ff0aa" }, "vim-wakatime": { "branch": "master", "commit": "3cb40867cb5a3120f9...
return{-- the colorscheme should be available when starting Neovim{"folke/tokyonight.nvim", lazy =false,-- make sure we load this during startup if it is your main colorschemepriority =1000,-- make sure to load this before all the other start pluginsconfig=function()-- load the color...
Hotel Lazy Bone v Hsinchu je prejel pozitivne ocene, ki odražajo zadovoljstvo gostov z njihovim bivanjem. S skupno oceno 7.6, je hotel znan po svoji odlični vrednosti, ki dosega 7.9, kar pomeni, da gostje občutijo, da so dobili več, kot so pričakovali. Čistos...
LazyVim/LazyVim最新发布版本:v14.6.0(2024-12-21 01:37:36)0.1.0-alpha (2023-01-09) ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES plugins: plugins now use lazy.nvim's new opts property to make it far easier to override options init: disable init.lua and show a message on how to use LazyVim lsp: move ...
"tokyonight.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "f247ee700b569ed43f39320413a13ba9b0aef0db" }, "trouble.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "f1168feada93c0154ede4d1fe9183bf69bac54ea" }, "vim-illuminate": { "branch": "master", "commit": "3bd2ab64b5d63b29e05691e62...
be available when starting Neovim { "folke/tokyonight.nvim", lazy = false, -- make sure we load this during startup if it is your main colorscheme priority = 1000, -- make sure to load this before all the other start plugins config = function() -- load the colorscheme here vim.cm...