EF Core Lazy LoadingLazy loading of data is a pattern whereby the retrieval of data from the database is deferred until it is needed. This sounds like a good thing, and in some scenarios, this can help to improve the performance of an application. In other scenarios, it can degrade the...
Create a Lazy Loading Database for Package Data FilespackageDir
Eager loadingmeans that the related data is loaded from the database as part of the initial query. Explicit loadingmeans that the related data is explicitly loaded from the database at a later time. Lazy loadingmeans that the related data is transparently loaded from the database when the nav...
In these situations a user interface can only be fast and responsive if it uses a 'lazy loading' approach, which means that data will only be transferred [...] evget.com 在这种情况下,只有使用“懒载入” 方法 ,用 户界面才可以迅速和有较快响应。 evget.com As a result of lazy loade...
Lazy loading is the process whereby an entity or collection of entities is automatically loaded from the database the first time that a property referring to the entity/entities is accessed. 大概意思就是LazyLoading发生在当我们访问第一次访问实体或者集合的属性时。
Eager loading is a technique used to retrieve related or associated data in a single query from a database. It aims to minimize the number of database round-trips required to fetch data by retrieving all necessary information in one go. In .NET Core, eager loading is especially useful when...
For loading data from a database into memory it's handy to design things so that as you load an object of interest you also load the objects that are related to it. This makes loading easier on the developer using the object, who otherwise has to load all the objects he needs ...
Error: Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context. 反正就是分别在database和memory中的set不能join啦,老老实实都给toList(),至于lazy loading,希望明天我还记得查。 2.23补:不只是不能join,他们之间无法做任何Linq的相互操作,想想也是,一个在database,一个在memory。
Lazy loading can cause unneeded extra database roundtrips to occur (the so-called N+1 problem), and care should be taken to avoid this. See the performance section for more details.Lazy loading without proxiesLazy-loading without proxies work by injecting the ILazyLoader service into an entity...
Eager loading is a technique where related data is loaded from the database as part of the initial query. This means that when you retrieve an entity, all related entities are also retrieved in the same query. This approach can be beneficial when you know that you'll need related data ...