importReactfrom'react';import{LazyLoadImage}from'react-lazy-load-image-component';constMyImage=({ image})=>(<LazyLoadImagealt={image.alt}height={image.height}src={image.src}// use normal attributes as propswidth={image.width}/>{image.caption});exportdefaultMyImage; Props Using effects LazyL...
小程序 Bug Image 微信安卓客户端 8.0.37 2.32.3 小程序码 进入路径:点击底部个人中心,进入个人中心页面后,点击粉丝卡,注册会员,进入会员页面,如视频所示,页面下方使用了 lazy-load 的图片不展示,滑动页面到底部,再返回顶部,图片可展示最后一次编辑于 2023-06-19 回答关注问题邀请回答 收藏 分享 2 个回答 社...
el.dataset.LazyLoadImgState= 'start';//执行加载之前做的事情, el);varimg =newwindow.Image();//这里是一个坑 dataset.src 实际取的值是 属性data-src data- 是HTML5 DOMStringMap对象img.src =el.dataset.src;//图片加载成功img.addEventListener('load',function() {if(options...
发现也是图片加载不出来,然后就在本地定位了一下 发现是lazy-load的问题,于是把lazy-load删除了,...
项目中遇到图片渲染过多,虽然分页加载,但还是影响用户体验,分享工作源码,仅供学习参考,共勉! 引入lazy-load-img.js 底部附下载链接。 //图片裁剪 var lazyLoadImg = new LazyLoadImg({ el: document.querySelector('.item_image'), //获取图片盒子 mode: 'diy', //默认模式,将显示原图,diy模式,将自...
Let’s say you’d like to lazy load an image gallery. The markup for each image would look like this: Here, the path to the image is contained inside adata-srcattribute, not asrcattribute. The reason is that usingsrcmeans the image would load right away, which is not what you want...
img-mode 图片的裁剪模式,详见image组件裁剪模式 (opens new window) String | Number widthFix - # Events 事件名说明回调参数版本 click 点击图片时触发 index:用户通过props传递的index值 - load 图片加载成功时触发 index:用户通过props传递的index值 - error 图片加载失败时触发 index:用户通过props传递的index值...
Here is the markup that will load the images lazily: 1 As I said earlier, you can also specify the image dimensions in CSS and remove thewidthandheightattributes from the markup: 1 The corresponding CSS would be: 1 img{ 2 width:600px; 3 height:600px; 4 } The following...
React Lazy Load Image Component React Component to lazy load images and other components/elements. Supports IntersectionObserver and includes a HOC to track window scroll position to improve performance. "An easy-to-use performant solution to lazy load images in React" ...