quartz.ResumeJob(nameof(SimpleJob)); quartz.PauseJob(nameof(SimpleJob1)); quartz.ResumeJob(nameof(SimpleJob1)); //... public async TaskPauseJob(stringkey) { var scheduler = await _scheduler.Value; await scheduler.PauseJob(JobKey.Create(key)); } public async TaskResumeJob(stringkey) { va...
Code Issues Pull requests 🦥 A lazy functional iteration library supporting sync, async, and concurrent iteration. javascript sync generator functional-programming async promise lazy iterator npm-package npm-module concurrent iterable Updated Dec 13, 2024 TypeScript Alexis...
With our second constructor on the AsyncLazy<T> type, we can also pass an asynchronous method as the taskFactory delegate. Remember that a method marked with the new async keyword can return either void, Task, or Task<T>, and just as an anonymous method that returns T can be treated as...
lazyAss.async(false, 'foo'); console.log('after assync'); // output after assync Uncaught Error: fooIn this case, there is no meaningful error stack, so use good message arguments - there is no performance penalty!Rethrowing errorsIf the condition itself is an instance of Error, it is...
在上篇文章:【小家Spring】使用@Async异步注解导致该Bean在循环依赖时启动报BeanCurrentlyInCreationException异常的根本原因分析,以及提供解决方案 有提到过可以使用@Autowired + @Lazy的方式来解决那个循环依赖问题,效果是它最终注入进去并不是容器内的代理对象(备注:是能够正常work的),有小伙伴有私聊我咋回事?这篇文...
💪 Async execution for improved performance 🛠️ No need to manually compile plugins 🧪 Correct sequencing of dependencies 📁 Configurable in multiple files 📚 Generates helptags of the headings inREADME.mdfiles for plugins that don't have vimdocs ...
apps/soundbox/ui/lvgl/src/misc/lv_async.c \ apps/soundbox/ui/lvgl/src/misc/lv_bidi.c \ apps/soundbox/ui/lvgl/src/misc/lv_color.c \ apps/soundbox/ui/lvgl/src/misc/lv_fs.c \ apps/soundbox/ui/lvgl/src/misc/lv_gc.c \ apps/soundbox/ui/lvgl/src/misc/lv_ll.c \ apps/so...
quartz.ResumeJob(nameof(SimpleJob1)); //... public async Task PauseJob(string key) { var scheduler = await _scheduler.Value; await scheduler.PauseJob(JobKey.Create(key)); } public async Task ResumeJob(string key) { var scheduler = await _scheduler.Value; await...