Eager Loading:当您了解应用程序需要的相关实体的图形的确切形状时,可以使用 ObjectQuery 的 Include 方法来定义查询路径,此查询路径控制将哪些相关实体作为初始查询的一部分返回。当定义查询路径时,仅需对数据库请求一次,即可在单个结果集中返回查询路径所定义的所有实体,并且属于在路径中定义的类型的所有相关实体将随查询...
Lazy loading 中又使用Eager loading 如果在启用Lazy loading后又使用了Include方法来使用Eager loading,那么实际上是Eager loading在起作用,这样EF Core实体的导航属性不会再单独开启数据库连接去数据库查询数据,而是用sql语句的join预先在数据库中查询数据: 假设我们现在有Person实体里面有个Book导航属性,返回ICollection<...
Advantages of Eager LoadingPerformance Improvement: Reduces the number of queries sent to the database, minimizing round trips. Simplified Code: Retrieves all necessary data in a single query, making the code cleaner and easier to understand....
Now, in this article, we will go one step further and discuss when a LINQ query gets executed. LINQ query is not executed when constructed but when enumerated. There are two types of query executions in LINQ, which are given below. Deferred or Lazy Loading Eager Loading....
Eager loading is beneficial when there is an opportunity or need to load resources in the background. For example, some websites display a “loading” screen and eagerly load all the resources required for the web application to run. Lazy Loading Implementing Methods There are several open sourc...
ActiveRecord默认是lazy loading的,而加上:include选项后可以指定eager loading一些字段 :include - specify second-order associations that should be eager loaded when the collection is loaded. 看例子: Post.find(:all, :include => :comments) # => SELECT ... FROM posts LEFT OUTER JOIN comments ON ....
Simplified code:Unlike lazy loading, eager loading avoids the need to explicitly find ways to defer the loading of resources. This approach therefore involves simpler and less complex code Data consistency:Eager loading ensures data consistency as all related data is fetched at once. This is useful...
your entity mapping. It specifies when your JPA implementation, e.g., Hibernate, fetches associated entities from the database. You can choose betweenEAGERandLAZYloading. The first one fetches an association immediately, and the other only when you use it. I explain both options in this ...
we delved into Lazy Loading and Eager Loading. We learned how each strategy works and saw the scenarios in which each of them is useful. We also went over the best practices to consider when choosing one over another. Finally, the choice between Eager Loading and Lazy Loading depends on the...
Here’s a comparison betweenLazy LoadingandEager Loading FeatureLazy LoadingEager Loading DefinitionResources are loaded only when they are needed or requested.All resources are loaded upfront during the initial load. When Resources are LoadedResources are loaded at the point of use (for example, wh...