Hello everyone, I'm currently working on a Laravel project where I need to implement a dynamic page builder feature. I want to allow users to create pages with different layouts (such as two-column, tabbed layout, accordion layout, etc.) and customiz
"gwnobots/laravel-head": "dev-master" After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in app/config/app.php: 'Gwnobots\LaravelHead\LaravelHeadServiceProvider', You need to publish the config of this package: $ php artisan config:publish gwnobots/laravel-head You ...
Netgen Layouts enables you to build and manage complex web pages in a simpler way and with less coding. This is the core of Netgen Layouts, its heart and soul. php layouts symfony Updated Dec 11, 2020 PHP sherifabdlnaby / Ciro Star 21 Code Issues Pull requests Ciro is a MVC PHP...
Udemy - Nuxt JS with Laravel API - Building SSR Vue JS Apps 笔记4 Nuxt Layouts and Styling Nuxt Child Component 新建pages/users.vue文件,即与users文件夹相同层级且与users文件夹同名。 代码如下:注意nuxt-child <template>You can see me in all users related pages<nuxt-child/></template>export de...
この記事はlayouts、pagesの仕様や使い方について書いています。 大まかに以下の流れで説明していきます。 1.app.vueについて 2.layoutsについて 3.pagesについて 説明のために書くコードでは構文を使用します。 対象 Nuxt初心者の方、Nuxt2 → 3の変更点を知りたい方を対象にしています。 ま...
For anyone else having this problem, the solution is in the Livewire Quickstart Guide: php artisan livewire:layout If you are creating a new basic Laravel project to try Livewire ( no Jetstream or similar), you do not get a default layout. This command will create one in the l...
ERROR in ./node_modules/css-loader??ref--8-2!./node_modules/postcss-loader/lib??postcss!./node_modules/resolve-url-loader??ref--8-4!./node_modules/sass-loader/lib/loader.js??ref--8-5!./resources/assets/sass/app.scss Module build failed: Error: Missing binding D:\www2018\laravel-...
laravel formrequest before middleware I know, this is a complex case but maybe one of you might have an idea on how to do this. Concept I have the following process in my API: Process query string parameters (FormRequest) Replace key alia... ...
视差效果是一种通过在网页中创建不同层次的滚动速度来产生深度感的视觉效果。它可以增加网页的交互性和吸引力,提升用户体验。 视差效果的分类: 1. 基于视差滚动的视差效果:通过控制不同层次元素的滚动速度...
It also stores sessions/cookies.nodejs mongodb mongoose scss expressjs axios bcrypt passport laravel-mix noty express-session ejs-templates passport-local express-ejs-layouts tailwind-css express-flash Updated May 26, 2021 JavaScript kunal8411 / Ecommerce-Website Star 4 Code Issues Pull requests ...