The custom design process is discussed briefly in Tutorial A. We will assume that you have logged on and started Cadence Design Tools, and that you already have created a design library and the schematic of the inverter. Please refer to Tutorial A if you have not done so.STEP 1: Create ...
1、半导体工艺流程(TechnologyProcess)目前的主流工艺为CMOS,BiCMOS等,还包括有一些特殊工艺。Example:CMOS gateoxide pwelln+ p-epip- TiSi2 fieldoxide Al(Cu)SiO2 tungsten nwell SiO2p+ ExampleNPN Exercise1 PleasedrawthecrosssectionandlayoutofPMOS(condition:P-sub,n-well,singlepoly,doublemetal,standard...
3CreateLayoutViewofanInverter 3.1CreateNewLibrary 3.2CreateNewLayoutView 4SelectingandMovingLayout 5DRC 5.1ViewingDRCErrors 6Painting 7AddVias 8CreatePins 9FurtherReading CreateAliasestoSetupYourEnvironment Beforeyoustartthistutorial,addthefollowingtwolinestothe.mycshrcfileinyourhomedirectory: aliasadd_cadence20...
一般常见错误的 layout 是将clock的 Inverter 放置在电路中间 造成由a 改成 a_ 时其它MOS会接不到换线的讯号,或是改用polygate来接线,将会影响clock的讯号速度 所以最好floor plan时可以将ck_inverter放置在最外侧,换线时直接改ck_inverter的方向或layout就好了,也没有放置中间时和其它和临近的DRC Rule ...
Introduction to Layout Editing using Cadence Virtuoso I . Creating the CMOS Inverter Schematic Cadence SetupPage, Page Page
I have downloaded the layout file of the inverter board Devkit-MotorGD from this link but it can't be opened by EasyEDA. It may be due to that it had been saved in an EAGLE version below v6? If so, please send me this fil...
工艺信息 基本概念 5、符号,截面图,版图(top view) 对应关系 Inverter Stick-diagram 版图和截面图 3、Layout design tool Cadence 简介 Virtuoso 的环境设置 Virtuoso layout editor 的操作(1) Virtuoso layout editor 的操作(2) 总结 Cadence 简介 基于 UNIX 平台的 IC 开发工具软件包,能完成从前端到后端的几乎...
I am using Virtuoso 6.1.6-64b. I have created "Graphical Parameterized Cell" for NMOS/PMOS. May I use the same method for CMOS inverter and AND/NAND gates? I would like to parameterize whole layout of AND/NAND gate (interconnect/contacts/PR all can be parameterized). ...
This tutorial will take you step-by-step through the process of handcrafting a simple inverter and perform the design rule checking (DRC) to verify the correctness of the physical design. This layout will correspond to the schematic, which has been created in lab2. Learning the command in Vi...
Inverter VDD inputoutput GND PMOS NMOS g s g d d s b b Stick-diagram N-diffusion P-diffusion Polysilicon Metal Legendofeachlayer contact N-well GND INPUT VDD OUTPUT 版图和截面图 N-diffusion P-diffusion Polysilicon Metal Legendofeachlayer ...