Word on Mobile supports two types of views when rendering your document. Both views are useful and serve different types of use cases. Choose which mode is best for you. At any point, you can switch between the views by clicking on the Mobile Phone icon on the top. ...
In Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, atask paneis a window that attaches itself to the edge of the app window you're working in. TheFormat Picturepane is one example: Resize a task pane You can widen or narrow the pane by pointing your mouse at the inside margin of the pane until the ...
程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 返回一个 Integer 类型的值,该值代表表格中的形状是显示在表格内还是表外。 如果为 True,则表示指定的图片显示在表格内部。 False 表示指定的图片显示在表外。 C# 复制 public int LayoutInCell { get; set; } 属性值 Int32 注解 注意仅当对象的属性WrapFormat设...
IncludeInLayout 表达 返回“DisplayUnitLabel”对象的表达式。 备注 该属性对于图表是否处于自动版式模式没有影响。 如果用户使用 "图表上方" 命令添加标题,则图表将变得较小,就像在以前版本的 Microsoft Office 中一样。 如果用户随后删除标题,或者选择其中一个覆盖标题选项,则图表将变得较大,就好像标题不在图表上...
LayoutInCell屬性對應於 [進階配置] 對話方塊中的圖片格式的表格儲存格中的版面配置選項。True表示指定的圖片會顯示在表格內。False表示指定的圖片會顯示表格外。 注意 [!注意事項] 只有當WrapFormat物件的Type屬性設為wdWrapTypeInline或wdWrapTypeNone以外設定LayoutInCell屬性將會生效。
Perfect your work with WPS Writer like Microsoft word. Did you get it? Also Read: 1. How to use the Smart Split Columns feature 2. More features in Splitting Columns 3. Rows and columns tools in WPS Spreadsheet 4. Layout Skill- How to apply columns 5. More features in Reading ...
wdLayoutModeGrid 1 文字會配置在方格上;使用者指定行數和每行字元數。 當使用者輸入時,Microsoft Word 不會自動將字元與貼齊格線。 wdLayoutModeLineGrid 2 將文字配置到格線上。使用者指定行數,不過不指定每行的字元數。支援和意見反應有關於 Office VBA 或這份文件的問題或意見反應嗎? 如需取得支援服務並...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 设置或返回一个布尔值,该值表示是否在阅读布局视图中查看文档。 C# publicboolReadingLayout {get;set; } 属性值 Boolean 注解 如果为True,则将文档切换到阅读版式视图。 如果为False,则关闭阅读版式视图。 适用于 产品版本 ...
Learn more about the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.DocumentClass.ReadingModeLayoutFrozen in the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word namespace.
Word offers you several options to change the presentation of the text such as to put the text in bold, in italic or in underlined. It's also possible to change the font as well as cuts it letters and its colors from the others. The pagination allows you to control the options of ...