Layout from Instagram4.6 开发者的其他作品 Instagram 屏幕截图 1 2 3 4 5 软件介绍 Instagram 全新推出的一款应用,将你的照片重新组合起来,搭配出独一无二的布局,并与好友们分享,趣味无穷! 你可以在相机胶卷中选择照片,或者在心血来潮时,用内置的 Photo Booth 拍上一组照片,随后立即尝试不同的照片布局。挑选...
Do you have some cool memories from your last holiday? Use Photo Collage Maker to combine the best of your experiences! Bring your ideas to life with this super fun and easy to use the app. Equipped with a wide array of layouts, shapes, and styles, you can rotate, resize or rearrange...
Layout from Instagram是 10 亿美金 Instagram 的一款新应用,用来将你的照片重新组合起来,并分享出去。@Appinn Layout from Instagram或许是第一款让我看完开头教程的应用,简单易用且精致。 一上来就可以选择照片,或者进行四连拍,没错Layout from Instagram提供四连拍功能,自拍党们又要炫耀了。 选照片时可以自动筛选带...
Nuru is an aspect ratio converter app that allows you to share any image to Instagram without cropping. Nuru can change image canvas and frame color. You can choose any color from the image as a frame color. Nuru is the easiest way to give your image a consistent look so you can share...
Layout from Instagram:拼出乐趣 Layout from Instagram:拼出乐趣 前不久,Instagram推出了一款全新的拼图应用——Layout。利用Layout,我们可以可以在相机胶卷中选择照片,或者在心血来潮时,用内置的Photo Booth拍上一组照片,随后立即尝试不同的照片布局。挑选出你最喜欢的照片布局,加以编辑,让它成为你的专属...
Instagram 家新上线了款拼图应用,能将你的照片重新组合起来,搭配出独一无二的布局。最多支持选择 9 张照片哦! **特性** * 一次最多可将 9 张照片重新组合成有趣、个性化的布局。 * “人脸”选项卡能够快速识别出有人在内的照片。 *在 Photo Booth 模式下用快照锁住精彩瞬间。
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Mac and iPad—and chosen by Apple as its Mac App of the Year—Affinity Publisher is the next generation of professional page layout software. From books, magazines and marketing materials to social media templates, website mock-ups and more, this incredibly smooth, intuitive app gives you the...
Instagram Explore Example Pinterest Example Grid Board Example 📦 Installationnpm install react-native-flexible-gridoryarn add react-native-flexible-grid💡 Usage1. Flex GridFlexGrid is designed for creating highly flexible and dynamic grid layouts, capable of two-way scrolling to accommodate content ...