Laying out and cutting common rafters 机译:布置并切割常见的after子 获取原文 获取原文并翻译 | 示例 获取外文期刊封面目录资料 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 Although trusses dominate new construction in most parts of the country, traditional cut rafters are stil...
A thumb screw selectively positions the arm assembly at any rotational position. The measuring edge is numbered in increments from 0 to 12, the length of the measuring edge being equal to 12 times the secant of the angle c formed by the hip or valley rafter with the nearest common rafter ...
How big is a `birdsmouth'? Provides information pertaining to birdsmouths, a part of a common rafter which sits on top of, and is anchored to, the upper wall framing member of a building. Standard for laying out cuts; Example of a birdsmouth for a building with a ... L Fortner - ...
The protractor arm (4) is set at the desired angular position, and the square placed upon the board with the appropriate surface of the protractor arm (4) seated firmly thereagainst so that the scribe line may be drawn along the designated side of the square. SYLVESTER W * BIES ...
The protractor arm (4) is set at the desired angular position, and the square placed upon the board with the appropriate surface of the protractor arm (4) seated firmly thereagainst so that the scribe line may be drawn along the designated side of the square. SYLVESTER W * BIES ...
The measuring edge is numbered in increments from 0 to 12, the length of the measuring edge being equal to 12 times the secant of the angle c formed by the hip or valley rafter 218 with the nearest common rafter 208. The slot is numbered in increments expressed as the pitch of the ...
A roof framing square has a triangular body (2) with an arcuate slot (20) adjacent its hypotenuse side (16) and an arcuate-sided aperture (22) spaced inwardly therefrom. Both arcs (20, 24) are defined by radii having as their centre point a pivot aperture spaced from the first side (...