starting block 6 startup 9 State Flag 2 station 20 statuary 27 statue 29 steak 6 steaks 2 steam 1 steel 27 steer 1 steet 1 steps 1 Sterna 3 Sterna paradisaea 3 stick 5 stickers 10 sticks 3 still 3 Stirlingshire 2 stock 1 stockfish 1 Stockholm 30 Sto...
The dietary experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with 15 dietary treatments with 5 replicates, defining a cage with three hens (replicate) as the experimental unit. Differences between the treatment diets were subjected to repeated measurement analysis using the MIXED procedure...
The screw nut and the lifting block on one side of the seedling tray box are fixed together. As the screw rod rotates on the fixed axis, the screw pair between the screw rod and the nut makes the seedling tray box move up and down. On the same side of the screw rod, guide rail ...