Persona: Analyst Determine if there are factors that can decrease the probability of the event. For example, if the event is releasing flammable gas into an explosive atmosphere, then the presence of an operator for only 12 hours a day can decrease the risk of injury. Define Conditional ...
Persona: Analyst Determine if there are factors that can decrease the probability of the event. For example, if the event is releasing flammable gas into an explosive atmosphere, then the presence of an operator for only 12 hours a day can decrease the risk of injury. Define Conditional ...
The temperature range of sample thermal training is 50–300 °C. Process of analyzing the specific surface area of samples included the following stages. Firstly, the samples were weighted. Further, the flask with the samples was heated to 150 °C in an argon atmosphere (adsorptive gas) for...
[7]. The metal powder is delivered by coaxial, single, or multiple nozzles within an inert atmosphere [4,10,11], directly in the region of the focused laser beam [9]. Depending on the alignment of the focal point of the nozzle versus that of the laser, the powder is then melted ...
All experiments related to the PPy deposition process were realized in climatic room cooled down to the temperature of 15–16 °C in air atmosphere. In the case of the Peltier cell, which was used as a cold plate and the applied conditions, such as the cooling capacity of the cell and ...
Copper patinas formed in the atmosphere—I. Introduction. Corros. Sci. 1987, 27, 639–657. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Strandberg, H. Reactions of copper patina compounds—I. Influence of some air pollutants. Atmos. Environ. 1998, 32, 3511–3520. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Strandberg, ...