OpenLayers 学习笔记 (3) 使用 Google Maps 作底图 用OpenLayers 叠加 Google Maps 显示深圳行政区划和深圳酒店的例子。 1 2 3 Test OpenLayers 4 5 6 7 8 varmap; 9 varcityZone; 10 varhotell; 11 varbounds; 12 functioninit() { 13 OpenLayers.IMAGE_RELOAD_ATTEMPTS=3; 14 OpenLayers...
也可以在js中动态生成div,渲染后插入 -->// 加载google map并禁用地图的交互操作vargmap =newgoogle.maps.Map(document.getElementById('gmap'), {disableDefaultUI:true,keyboardShortcuts:false,draggable:false,disableDoubleClickZoom:true,scrollwheel:false,streetViewControl:false});// ol.View 是openlayers用于...
OpenLayers 学习笔记 (3) 使用 Google Maps 作底图 用OpenLayers 叠加 Google Maps 显示深圳行政区划和深圳酒店的例子。 1 2 3 Test OpenLayers 4 5 6 7 8 varmap; 9 varcityZone; 10 varhotell; 11 varbounds; 12 functioninit() { 13 OpenLayers.IMAGE_RELOAD_ATTEMPTS=3; 14 OpenLayers...
-- gmap用于加载google maps, olmap用于加载openlayer canvas。 目标是加载完毕之后olmap覆盖与gmap之上并且拦截交互操作。 开始时放在同一层的好处是都能根据父节点来设置长宽。也可以在js中动态生成div,渲染后插入 -->// 加载google map并禁用地图的交互操作vargmap=newgoogle.maps.Map(document.getElementById('g...
Migrate from Google Maps Manage Maps accounts Creator Indoor Maps Get map data from REST APIs Develop with the REST SDK Develop with the Web SDK Develop with the Android SDK Develop with the iOS SDK Use Azure Maps in Power BI Convert Map and Filled map visuals ...
OL-Google-Maps is deprecated OpenLayers - Google Maps integration library, which is now deprecated. TheOpenLayerslibrary now supports the possibility to use Google Maps as base maps from versionv9.0.0+. In the past, Google Maps did not provide an API to requests tiles directly. You had to...
Layer.Google('Google street maps'); var bing = new OpenLayers.Layer.Bing({ key: 'register your api key at', type: 'Road', metadataParams: { mapVersion: 'v1' } }); map.addLayers([osm, gmap, bing]); map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(2.2, 54.0) .transform(...
53、oserver5.htm4.3查看效果访问 http:/localhost:8080/geoserver/5.htm 拖动图层,并可点击数据Untiled TiledScale = 1 : 4423114, 09T853 22.548TZDAmi_FOBT_POIBT 序号名尊高度芙型 0遥圳合堂其忘4.4 力口上 googlemap 图层4.4.1 申请 Google 地图 API 的 key tl/zh-CN/apis/maps/sig nup.html申请...
The article offers brief information on an application for smartphones called Field Trip which includes maps of archaeological sites in the U.S. and Canada. The application involved the ...