Question about layer_scale_init_value #27 Closed jatentaki opened this issue Jan 20, 2022· 2 comments Comments jatentaki commented Jan 20, 2022 • edited Hello, I noticed your code uses some multiplication constant which looks like it could be folded directly into the kernel of the ...
ValueForKeyPath(NSString) Restituisce il valore di una proprietà che può essere raggiunta utilizzando un percorso chiave. (Ereditato da NSObject) ValueForUndefinedKey(NSString) Indica un tentativo di lettura di un valore di una chiave non definita. Se non ne viene eseguito l'override...
CAValueFunction ICAAction ICAAnimationDelegate ICALayerDelegate ICAMediaTiming ICAMetalDrawable CoreAudioKit CoreBluetooth CoreData CoreFoundation CoreGraphics CoreImage CoreLocation CoreMedia CoreMidi CoreML CoreServices CoreSpotlight CoreText CoreVideo
核心动画Core Animation,其实是由Layer Kit这样一个名字演变而来。...因此,在讨论动画之前,我们有必要对于图层这一概念进行深入的理解。...我们在访问UIView的frame,bounds等属性又或者设置动画,其实也都是在操作其关联图层CALayer的特性。...下面是一些UIView没有暴露
The scale at which to rasterize content, relative to the coordinate space of the layer. Animatable varcontentsFormat:CALayerContentsFormat A hint for the desired storage format of the layer contents. funcrender(in:CGContext) Renders the layer and its sublayers into the specified context. ...
scale=True, rms_scaling=False, beta_initializer="zeros", gamma_initializer="ones", beta_regularizer=None, gamma_regularizer=None, beta_constraint=None, gamma_constraint=None, \*\*kwargs ) The default value of epsilon is 0.001(1e-3). I fixed it into 1e-7 and now I'm free from this...
void setContrast(short contrastValue) Layer contrast in percent (-100 - 100). void setDataSourceName(IName name) Name of the data object for the layer. void setMaximumScale(double maxScale) Maximum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. void setMinimumScale(doubl...
If the shader function samples from the layer at locations not equal to the destination position, this value must specify the maximum sampling distance in each axis, for all source pixels. isEnabled Whether the effect is enabled or not. Return Value A new view that renders self with the ...
(25,0);//create a particle templateCAEmitterCell*cell=[[CAEmitterCell alloc]init];cell.contents=(id)[UIImage imageNamed:@"Sparkle"].CGImage;cell.birthRate=150;cell.lifetime=5.0;cell.alphaSpeed=-0.4;cell.velocity=50;cell.velocityRange=50;cell.scale=0.1;cell.scaleRange=0.08;cell.emissionRange=...
Maximum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display. Description MaximumScale property specifies the maximum scale at which the layer will be displayed. Assign a Double value to set this property. Product Availability Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS ...