Displaying faces and vertices during editing Currently, vertices are not displayed in QGIS, only edges of faces can be displayed, and are filled with color depending on the dataset groups. During editing, vertices will be displayed as the vector layer vertices (red circle) when associated faces ...
This has been raised before for displaying NOAA data. It is not something possible at the moment, but we would be definitely interested in extending mesh symbology to support other styles apart from arrows and streamlines. I think my colleague @Peter Petrik <peter.pet...@lutraconsulting.co.u...
# 需要导入模块: from qgis.core import QgsVectorLayer [as 别名]# 或者: from qgis.core.QgsVectorLayer importsetRendererV2[as 别名]classTestQgsArrowSymbolLayer(unittest.TestCase):defsetUp(self):self.iface = get_iface() lines_shp = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR,'lines.shp') self.lines_layer ...
So imgSize is required for IE11 SVGs, even if they use src, and not img? Adding imgSize stops the error, but using it with size to resize in the browser prevents the image from displaying. So my question is: how do I specify an SVG, but not at its own native size, ie resized...