layer.close(index); }); //屏蔽浏览器滚动条{ content: '浏览器滚动条已锁', scrollbar: false }); //弹出即全屏 var index ={ type: 1, content: '数据打开就是全屏了', area: ['320px', '195px'], maxmin: true }); layer.full(index); //正上方 layer.msg(...
2、接下来我们看看在type为2(iframe层)的时候,也就是关于页面层的引入content内容的不同写法: 1//如果是普通iframe层{3type:2,4content:''//这里content是一个URL,如果你不想让iframe出现滚动条,你还可以content: ['', 'no']5});67//若iframe层-父子...
success: function(layero, index){ }, yes: function (index, layero) { }, btn2: function (index, layero) { layer.close(index); }, cancel: function(index, layero){ layer.close(index); } return false; }, end: function(){ }, full: function(layero){ }, min: function(layero){ ...
popupTemplate: { title: "{id}", content: [{ type: "fields", fieldInfos: [ { fieldName: "GRAY_INDEX", label: "Gray Index" }, { fieldName: "TIME", label: "Time" } ] }] } }) ); } }); fullExtent Inherited Property fullExtent Extent |null |undefinedautocast Inherited from ...
Sign in to download full-size image Figure 3.5. A convolution example of three input feature maps and one output feature map. The value of the position (0,0) in the output feature map is the sum of three values from the convolution between the 3×3 submatrix at the upper left corner ...
full/min/restore -分别代表最大化、最小化、还原 后触发的回调 类型:Function,默认:null,携带参数:el:layer 窗口 dom,index:窗口编号,id:传入的 id, 全局方法 ${options}) 参数见上述配置项,返回值为窗口序号(index) 打开layer 窗口的核心方法,语法糖:$layer ...
title = "Population by county"; // set an action for zooming to the full extent of the layer item.actionsSections = [[{ title: "Go to full extent", className: "esri-icon-zoom-out-fixed", id: "full-extent" }]]; } } }); minDragEnabledItems Property minDragEnabledItems Number ...
full/min/restore-分别代表最大化、最小化、还原后触发的回调 内置方法 1、layer.config(options)-初始化全局配置 2、layer.ready(callback)-初始化就绪 主要是因为layer加载需要时间,也许很快,但过程仍然存在。如果你想在一开始就打开的话,可能会失出错,所以需要将代码放在layer.ready()中。
A layer's full name including group layer and composite layer structure. String maxThreshold (Lectura y escritura) A layer's maximum scale threshold for 2D maps and its maximum distance above ground for 3D maps. A layer will not display when zoomed in beyond the maximum scale. To clear th...
In order to make things simpler, we will represent single layer options in the rest of this document by omitting thedfFullscreenLayersarray so you’ll see only the layer options: {toggleInput:"#query", hashid:'1955a94db43999fcc211f925fc85f12c', ...