这里的Layer指是一个由同种要素(Feature)组合在一起的"层"。相当于在ESRI定义的模型中的要素类(FeatureClass),也可能相当于一个要素数据集(FeatureDataSet)。总之是要素的集合。 关于要素数据集,Modeling our world这样解释: 要素数据集(要素集)是具有相同坐标系统的要素类的集合。我们可以选择在要素集的内部或外部...
arcgis 3D 图层转要素类(Layer 3d to feature class) Multipatch数据结构怎么转出。。只能从3dsmax转arcgis,不能转出吗? https://blog.csdn.net/esrichinacd/article/details/9162687 https://desktop.arcgis.com/zh-cn/arcmap/latest/tools/3d-analyst-toolbox/layer-3d-to-feature-class.htm ...
preserved but the label properties are not. However, if the layer created byMake Feature Layer(in a model) is saved as permanent data (feature class or shapefile), and that permanent data is returned to the map as an output parameter, the label properties from the layer file are correctly...
It can be defined in an XML file with the <layer-list> element. Each Drawable in the layer is defined in a nested <item>. For more information, see the guide to Drawable Resources. Java documentation for android.graphics.drawable.LayerDrawable.Portions...
使用地图类中的 listLayers 方法可引用工程中的图层,或使用 LayerFile 类中的 listLayers 方法引用存储于磁盘上的图层文件(.lyr 或.lyrx)中的图层。 Layer 对象以单一通用方式进行设计,以便处理所有图层。 图层类型千差万别,所支持的属性集也并不都一样。 例如,要素图层支持定义查询,而栅格图层不支持,但栅格目录...
However, it is possible to export data from the hosted feature layer to import the feature classes using the Feature Class To Geodatabase tool in ArcGIS Pro. Log in to ArcGIS Online and export the data from the hosted feature layer to a file geodatabase. Refer to ArcGIS Online: ...
idReference to unique layer ID as defined inmap configuration file. maxscaleMaximum scale to display map. Does not apply unless maxscale is set in the service. When scale values are returned as a relative scale, values are not rounded when the map is in decimal degrees. ...
// Initialize GeoJSONLayer by referencing a portalItem id pointing to geojson file. const layer = new GeoJSONLayer({ portalItem: new PortalItem({ id: "81e769cd7031482797e1b0768f23c7e1", // optionally define the portal, of the item. // if not specified, the default portal defined is ...
CPPAddATLSupportToMFC CPPATLApplication CPPATLASPComponent CPPATLControl CPPATLDatabase CPPATLDialog CPPATLDynamicLibrary CPPATLEvent CPPATLFile CPPATLObject CPPATLProperty CPPATLServer CPPATLWebService CPPBlankApplication CPPBlankPhone CPPClassLibrary CPPConsole CPPCustomWizardProject CPPDirectXThreeDApplicati...
(the "License"); you may not* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of* the License at** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software* distributed under the License is distributed ...