ArcGIS Pro应用程序可读取旧的.lyr文件类型,但仅可将其保存到.lyrx文件类型。如果引用.lyr文件类型,则save方法将无效,您必须改用saveACopy方法。 有关处理图层的更详细说明,请参阅Layer 类帮助主题。 语法 LayerFile (layer_file_path) 参数说明数据类型 ...
LayerFile类提供的方法和属性提供对图层文件中包含的单个图层和表的访问权限。 图层文件可以包含一个或多个图层、表和组图层。 ArcGIS Pro可读取.lyr和.lyrx图层文件类型。 更改只能保存到.lyrx图层文件类型。 如果要更改.lyr文件,则必须调用saveACopy方法。
ArcGIS Desktop est en phase desupport matureet sera retiré le 1er mars 2026. Aucune version future d’ArcGIS Desktop n’étant prévue, il est recommandé de migrer vers ArcGIS Pro. Consultez la rubriqueMigrer d’ArcMap vers ArcGIS Propour plus d’informations. ...
In ArcGIS Pro, a triangular irregular network (TIN) layer can be exported to a CAD file using the Export to CAD tool. This method allows designers to create 3D models of real-world objects for 3D anal
Consultez la rubrique Migrer d’ArcMap vers ArcGIS Pro pour plus d’informations.Résumé Propriétés Exemple de code Résumé The Describe function returns the following properties for Network Analyst Layers. A Network Analyst Layer returns a dataType of "NALayer". A Network Analyst Layer contains...
In ArcGIS Pro, in theCatalogtab, right-clickFolders, and selectAdd Folder Connection. Select the desired folder containing the layer package file, and clickOKto add the folder. Right-click the layer package file, and selectAdd To Current Map. ...
ArcGIS Pro - Modify an integrated mesh layer Sample - IntegratedMeshLayer modification SceneModifications SceneModification Example // create the IntegratedMeshLayer const layer = new IntegratedMeshLayer({ ... }) // create a polygon const polygon = new Polygon({ ... }); // create the modifica...
GeoPackages are designed to simplify file management and transfer. They can store raster files (as well as other types of data). An end-user wishing to transfer rasters from ArcGIS Pro or between runtime apps might need to import raster files from GeoPackages into their map to view and an...
One Minute Map Hack: How to Style those Default Basemap Credits in ArcGIS Pro Those default credits sitting in the bottom corner of your layout's maps could look better. They used to drive me crazy until I learned from Heather Smith how to manage them. ...
An individual layer/table resource represents a single layer/table in a map of a map service published by ArcGIS Server.