Blur applied to the line, in pixels. Type number 0 Units pixels 0 Supported Style Functions camera, source, composite lineDasharray Specifies the lengths of the alternating dashes and gaps that form the dash pattern. The lengths are later scaled by the line width. To convert a dash length to...
However, when the mirror electron and charge control beams overlap, and their ratio is adjusted to obtain dynamic charge equilibrium, the charging-induced blur vanishes. Sign in to download full-size image Figure 33. Demonstration of dual-beam charge control on a gate layer Si wafer. Show more...
textHaloBlur 文字光晕模糊度 textTranslate 文字翻转 textTranslateAnchor 文字翻转锚点 Name symbolPlacement Description Label placement relative to its geometry. Type enum Default Value point Supported Values point- The label is placed at the point ...
circleBlur circleOpacity circleTranslate circleTranslateAnchor circlePitchScale circlePitchAlignment circleStrokeWidth circleStrokeColor circleStrokeOpacity Name visibility Description Whether this layer is displayed. Type enum Default Value visible Supported Values visible- The layer...