Laxxon Medical is dedicated to revolutionizing the pharmaceutical industry through 3D screen printing and other cost-effective solutions which benefit the patent and the industry.
Laxxon Medical is included in1 Expert Collection,includingAdvanced Manufacturing. A Advanced Manufacturing 6,360 items Companies in the advanced manufacturing tech space, including companies focusing on technologies across R&D, mass production, or sustainability ...
赢创宣布通过其风险投资部门投资美国医药企业Laxxon Medical。该公司开发了一种3D丝网印刷技术,可用于生产使活性药物成分定时释放的结构化药片,并且单个药片可含有多种活性成分。赢创的特种聚合物可确保这种新型药片中的活性成分在体内实现靶向传递。赢创风险投资负责人Bernhard Mohr表示:“这项技术对患者非常有益。更可控...
“Laxxon’s partnership with Adare represents a significant step forward in actualizing our mission to drive disruptive global drug delivery and manufacturing solutions,” added Helmut Kerschbaumer, CEO of Laxxon Medical. “This is an essential collaboration for Laxxon; Adare, with their CDMO expe...
Laxxon Medical operates as a pharma-technology company that offers 3D screen printing in the pharmaceutical industry. The company offers advanced patented generics, patent extension, technology transfer, research and development, commercialization, new drug development, and 3D screen printing. The company...