Twilight Landing at LAX (Cockpit View) - 4:05 347 Twilight Landing at LAX (Cockpit View) - 4:05 提交时间:14 年以前 "Landing at LAX International Airport via the SADDE Six Arrival." (更多... 61条会员评论 Sort type: [Top] [Newest]...
"I don’t believe we actually have video cameras," parent Long Gallardo said. "If the district could do some camera work that would be fantastic." District records showthat was always part of the facilities master plan, dating back to 2016. Novato Unified School District documents show securi...
这里有个藏品——Southern Pacific 的 1673 号蒸爷。 附带说一下,1673 蒸爷旁边的屋檐下有一个摄像头,这是 YouTube 上边 Virtual Railfan 频道的 LiveCamera。你可以对着摄像头挥手,然后就可以在 YouTube 上边看到自己的光辉形象(延迟大约在 15-20s 左右)。 本务机到图森要进行加油...
“If I Go Will They Miss Me” follows a father and son who live in the Imperial Courts housing project in Watts, which sits directly under the flight path at LAX.
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