Ceiitumviri to set aside the will and recover the estate, of which Curius had entered into thepossession him; and I grieve because there was taken from me, not, as many thought, a rival,who stood in a partner and companion in a glorious calling; for, if we are told that, in a ...
The Phoenicians were the great merchants of antiquity, in fact the greatest mercantile people of all time; the most enterprising race of explorers and navigators the world has ever known, not excepting even our own restless Anglo-Saxon race; the people from whom Greece and Rome derived the lett...
It all started in ancient Rome, where early forms of business entities began to take shape. The Roman legal system laid the groundwork for what would eventually become modern corporations. Back then, these entities were more like collaborative partnerships, with limited liability for the partners—...
Whatever may have been the cause, there are but few traces left of the legal system of ancient Egypt. The political organization of the country recognized a division into Upper, and Lower Egypt – in later times, into Upper, Middle, and Lower Egypt – and a subdivision of the whole countr...
In fact, it took centuries for lawyers to become as respected and powerful as they are today. Some of the earliest lawyers were seen in ancient Greece and Rome. Back then, they were known as “orators” and they would often plead a case on behalf of their friends. However, they weren...
Arguably the contexts of speaking and writing for lawyers of ancient Greece and Rome and lawyers of today could not be more different. But, classical rhetorical theory, developed 2,000 years ago for face-to-face interactions in public squares and courtrooms, can be productively applied to ...