Illegal employer violations, Family and Medical Leave Act interference, retaliation, unpaid overtime, workplace discrimination, harassment, we can help... Defective Drugs Defective drug & medical device litigation. Latest information on high-risk pharmaceuticals, patient advocacy, side effects and how to...
Our employment lawyers in Van Nuys fight aggressively for the rights and interests of workers—and only workers. Reach out today to schedule a free consultation.
For whistleblowers who expose fraud against the U.S. government, includingMedicare fraud, we have helped to win multimillion-dollar awards via "qui tam" lawsuits. Our deep knowledge of whistleblower laws can help you. If you need a discrimination lawyer, or a harassment lawyer, we've won fa...
Facing criminal charges? Hester Law Group has 130+ years' experience. Schedule your FREE consult with an award-winning Tacoma criminal defense attorney!
Ontario Maternity Leave: Rights Upon Return & New Job Protection for Surrogacy/Adoption March 4, 2025 Read more View More BOOK A CONSULTATION Breathe Easy, We’ve Got This Book a no-charge telephone interview with our trained intake staff. If you have an urgent matter, please call our employ...
Job assignment Termination Compensation Recruitment Testing Any form of harassment that is based on race, religion, sex, color, national origin, disability, age or genetic information is prohibited under federal law. Also prohibited, is retaliation against any individual for filing a complaint about ...
If you need a Cleveland employment attorney for discrimination, wrongful termination, or sexual harassment at work, call Bolek Besser Glesius.
Our Maryland employment law attorneys at Melehy & Associates LLC focus on upholding the rights of local employees in Maryland. Call us to schedule a consultation.
Because of this, it is essential to discuss the hourly rate an attorney charges before hiring them for a case.In some cases, if an attorney charges an hourly rate, they also charge a retainer fee. A retainer fee is a fee that is paid in advance and is based on the attorney’s ...
workplace harassment, human rights issues and more. A person’s employment is an integral part of who they are and the lawyers at Taylor & Blair appreciate how important these issues are to you. We will help you in a timely and effective manner to get you the fair compensation that you ...