Pro Bono is dedicated to connecting people in need with attorneys and lawyers willing to doPro Bono lawyerwork. Pro Bono Publicois Latin for “for the public good.” The term is generally used to describe professional work taken on voluntarily and without payment as a public servic...
The Essential Role of New Lawyers in Pro Bono WorkEvanson, Blaine HLos Angeles Lawyer
Our lawyers also regularly pursue § 1983 claims,pro bono, through assignments from the District Courts and Superior Courts of New Jersey and New York. They also performpro bonocriminal defense work, through participation in assignments from the federal Criminal Justice Act panels for the District ...
Need free legal services or a pro-bono lawyer who speaks Chinese in New York City? We've got you covered. Chinese Community English Legal Services Resources Resources There are many organizations and lawyers in New York that provide free legal services to the general public, including immigrants...
Pro bono lawyers New York especialize in providing legal services to persons and families of limited means and to charities and other non-profit organizations, which work on their behalf. Please recognize that your attorney is a volunteer providing a valuable service free of charge. Because of th...
Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP is a securities firm that is committed to giving back to the community. Read on to find out how our pro bono lawyers help others.
Before deciding to represent yourself, it's essential to carefully consider the specific details of your case, your comfort level with legal procedures, and the potential consequences of doing so. In complex legal matters, seeking pro bono legal services or any professional legal advice is often ...
The International Lawyers Project connects communities, journalists and governments with pro-Bono legal expertise to bring about economic justice.
“This is a very gratifying result for a deserving client. The testimonial below from the client’s general counsel is both humbling and reaffirming of doing things the right way and treating clients with respect, which are the core of relationships we build at Anthony Ostlund.” ...
pro bono counsel with pro se lawyers on a wide variety of cases involving prisoners' rights, labor and employment, defamation, and more. The Jones Day team in Pittsburgh was recognized by the court for its pro bono service to the court and litigants, w...