Since its inception in 1974, the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service has helped more than 500,000 people find the right attorney with the knowledge they need. These respected lawyers are located statewide and are in good standing with the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers ...
Founded in 1898, the objectives of the Rhode Island Bar Association are to uphold and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and the Constitution and laws of Rhode Island and to maintain representative, democratic government; to advance th
If you need a Yolo County Lawyer, contact Attorney Search Network for a lawyer referral today.Use a Lawyer Referral Service to get the Right LawyerAttorney Search Network is a certified Yolo County Lawyer Referral Service (#113). The State Bar of California Certifies Lawyer Referral Services to...
Lawyer Referral Servicesdirect the general public to lawyers in a private practice or to other organizations such as local resources or State Bar Associations. When a client contacts aLawyer Referral Service, call operators gather information, determine the appropriate area of law and determine client'...
The Allegheny County Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service matches users and clients with local attorneys available to help them with their case.
California State Bar Certified Lawyer Referral Service, Certification # 113 | Meets All American Bar Association Standards for Lawyer Referral Services Disclaimer: Attorney Search Network is an Attorney Referral Service and cannot provide legal advice, comment on legal cases or answer legal questions. ...
Los Angeles County Lawyer Referral ServiceThe County of Los Angeles or Los Angeles County is a thriving commercial giant, an economic force in the United States that serves more than 10 million residents - roughly 25% of the entire population living in the State of California. The county has ...
Call 512-472-0279, ext. 110 or, for quicker response, apply here: National Directory Need a lawyer in a different part of the country? Find the lawyer referral program in that geographic area through theABA national
Lawyer Referral Service in Austin to be screened to qualify for this program. This service is available to those who reside in Travis, Williamson, Hays, and Bastrop Counties (the LRS service area). This is not a free (pro bono) service–lawyers will charge for their services at a reduced...
Lawyer Referral Service.Presents updates on the Florida Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service Committee. Duties and responsibilities; Meetings and seminars; Initiatives to promote the service.SteinBarryA.EBSCO_AspFlorida Bar Journal