Compassionate legal support for victims of nursing home abuse in Dallas. Our experienced attorneys fight for justice and fair compensation. Call now for a free consultation and protect your loved ones.
If you or your loved one has suffered an injury or illness due to the negligence of a residential institution or nursing home, you may be entitled to compensation. At PSRB, we are committed to advocating for the rights of our clients and ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve....
Lawyer Alleges Negligence in Nursing Home DeathA Westmoreland County jury started hearing arguments Tuesday in a wrongful death lawsuit in which the family of a 90-year-old Acme woman claims the nursing home where she lived was negligent in her care and caused her death.Cholodofsky, Rich...
Nursing home management can be held legally responsible through a personal injury lawsuit or a medical malpractice action for harming your loved one if it can be proved that the cause of injury was negligence. Management is responsible for hiring, training and supervising every one of its employees...
and Birth Injury Professional Negligence Law Construction Negligence Wrongful Death Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Law Workers’ Compensation Law Elgin Nursing Home Abuse And Neglect Attorney With more than a century of combined experience and more than $150 million obtained, to date, for clients, we ...
A Chicago nursing home abuse lawyer can help if you are concerned that a loved one has been harmed. At Ivan Rueda Law Office, ourinjury lawyersrepresent people throughout the nation in pursuing claims against nursing homes for harming the elderly. ...
To be held liable for a resident’s injury (or other loss), nursing home staff or management must have breached the expected duty of care owed the resident. This can occur when someone acts in a negligent or careless way when caring for a resident or fails to perform an expected duty....
Free initial consultation. Contact The Law Office of Terry S. Nelson, P.A., in Fort Myers, for skilled personal injury representation throughout Southwest Florida at 239-334-1789.
You Have a Limited Time to Take Action for Nursing Home Abuse Thestatute of limitations for nursing home injury or negligenceis two years from the time of injury or negligence was discovered. If you suspect an instance of nursing home abuse, contact Bader Scott Injury Lawyers immediately. ...
The experienced attorneys at Sugarman Law appear in courts throughout New Jersey on a regular basis and fight the good fight to hold nursing homes accountable for failing to keep residents safe and healthy. The firm has provided invaluable nursing home resources to victims of negligence since 1991...