More than 30 years of experience handling a wide range of criminal and civil law cases throughout Illinois has enabled trial lawyer Steven Fine to develop a deeper understanding of the way the laws and legal processes all tie together in Illinois. This knowledge empowers our law firm to provid...
Advanced representation also includes Civil Defense and Professional Licensing where applicable. We have Won Countless Caseswith a Proven Track Record of Success Defending Clients. Trial TestedandClient Trusted, We Are Lawyer Warriors! Track Record Of Winning ...
For investigations to be effective, lawyers must have a strong understanding of the law and its application to their client’s cases. 2. Plea Bargaining In many cases,criminal defense attorneys in Palm Beachcan negotiate a plea bargain with prosecutors. A plea bargain is an agreement between the...
Everyone needs to know their options before making a decision, no matter what the subject matter. Having a lawyer represent you in court could result in a favorable outcome in your case that could compensate attorney's fees paid.
People convicted of sex crimes in New Jersey face very serious consequences. There is a separate prison just for people convicted of sex crimes, and even once you have finished your term at this prison, you can be kept there under “civil commitment” if the authorities convince a judge that...
En el Reino Unido existen dos tipos diferentes de abogados: solicitors y barristers (estos últimos reciben el nombre de advocates en Escocia). Los solicitors defienden a sus clientes ante tribunales de menor importancia y se encargan de asuntos civiles tales como la compra o venta de propied...
According to the law, can a defendant or Plaintiff change his/her lawyer after certain court proceedings in both civil/criminal cases. Example. A Court is adjourned and given a certain date for next proceeding. Now the Plaintiff or Defendant would like to change his/her lawyer giving... aker...
Civil lawsuits, including personal injury lawsuits, differ from criminal lawsuits in that they usually involve private disputes between persons or organizations, and the plaintiff is responsible for the cost of litigation. (Criminal cases deal with acts considered to be harmful to society as a whole...
Civil law, as opposed to criminal law, is the branch of law dealing with disputes between individuals and/or organizations, in whichcompensationmay be awarded to thevictim. For instance, if a car crash victim claims damages against the driver for loss or injury sustained in an accident, this...