Judge Tosses Two of Three Lawsuits Filed against Osage County Wind FarmPAWHUSKA -- A judge on Thursday threw out two of three lawsuitsinvolving proposed wind farms in...National Wind WatchNational Wind Watch Inc
Germany's federal cabinet has approved a draft law designed to accelerate lawsuits against alreadypermitted infrastructure projects – including onshore wind farms. The Investment Acceleration Act would remove the role of the lower courts in cases against onshore wind construction, which renewable energy...
Robin Shaffer is president of Protect Our Coast NJ, a citizens group that has filed numerous lawsuits in New Jersey against two offshore projects currently or previously proposed. Shaffer said his group was at least partly responsible for scuttling two New Jersey wind farms proposed by Orsted that...
Local referendums are institutionalised ways in which these protests against wind power can manifest themselves, and are of course just one of many different forms of protest and debate. Causal relationships between protest, referendums and the failure so far of wind power expansion have yet to ...