AZ Supreme Court: Hospitals are subject to laws protecting vulnerable adultsArizona Capitol Times
Understanding these seven categories of elder abuse is an essential step in protecting older adults from experiencing this abuse unknowingly. Regardless of which of the seven categories the abuse falls into, elder abuse can lead to devastating consequences for the victim. Consequences of elder abuse...
Sociopaths abuse so on and alone are very vulnerable. The abuser may come around at this time too. I have been single for awhile now. For the past 14months I have been on a steady healing path. I for some reason decided to join a dating site. Of course my guard is up. Today on...
Sociopaths abuse so on and alone are very vulnerable. The abuser may come around at this time too. I have been single for awhile now. For the past 14months I have been on a steady healing path. I for some reason decided to join a dating site. Of course my guard is up. Today on...
As adults, we don’t want to let ourselves do anything we’re not already good at. So we don’t give it a try. We don’t want to let ourselves stand briefly in that vulnerable place where we’re not already an expert. And so we miss out on a lot of really great opportunities....
Previously, a minor medical marijuana patient could only have one primary caregiver, an adult – often a parent – who is charged with protecting the minor’s wellbeing. The bill now allows a minor to have two primary caregivers to include both of a minor’s parents if neede...
ineffective in protecting asthma and COPD patients from exposure to high levels of SHS in outside areas of pubs and terraces, which should be avoided by these patients. These findings also support the extension of smokefree laws to outside areas....
According to the 2006 Surgeon General's Report, there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Children are particularly vulnerable to the toxic compounds in secondhand smoke because they have higher breathing rates and their lungs are still developing, the authors write. Exposure to secon...
Your eyes are particularly vulnerable to injury when handling fireworks. It is crucial to wear a pair of protective goggles. Goggles sold at DIY stores are generally sufficient, but ensure they fit well and are comfortable. Firework retailers often give away free goggles, but these should be ins...
In the fictional lesbian dungeon, the State might seek to justify its actions on the basis that there are two legitimate aims to be pursued; firstly to protect those persons who are deemed ‘vulnerable’ and secondly, to protect the rest of society from those individuals who do not perform ...