The CD is closed - cannot be altered. This is fairly new territory for law enforcement and new laws are expected which could make current technology obsolete in a few years. → carried 5/0 o Authorize purchase of multi bar tracks snow blower for DPW - → Trustee LaPierre moved, Trustee ...
A major challenge in enforcement of cyberlaws is posed by the fact that there are no territorial boundaries in the Cyberspace and there are heterogenous laws across the globe A very radical and direct way to solve the question would be giving an entity supra-national powers on cybercrime matters...
In my town, people must ensure that the dog cannot escape from your home or when walking, on the fences there must be warning that you have a dog in your yard, in public places your dog must be on 1m long leash. No dogs (or cats) are allowed to be at public beaches. Fjm says ...